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European Maritime Day

Public Day on European Maritime Day

Sunday, May 18, 2014, 10 am - 6 pm
At Weserpromenade Schlachte
At the Public Day on European Maritime Day on May 18th, there will be a diverse spectrum of events and activities along the Schlachte, from "Weserbahnhof" to Martini Pier.

On the Research Alley at the “Weserbahnhof” marine research institutes will be presenting themselves and their work. Beside lectures about fascinating topics of marine research, interesting hands-on exhibits, visitors can also discover life onboard the research vessels HEINCKE, WEGA and LEYHÖRN.

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Visit MARUM at the Public Day

In the MARUM tent you can discover fascinating stories of marine research and innovative under water technologies. MARUM scientists will show you, how they get samples from the sea floor, how the can look into the sea floor and how to survey it.

Come with us on a virtual diving tour above the sea floor and fly over submarine ridges and deep sea trenches. Or become a pilot for diving robots and operate the underwater vehicle MARUM-QUEST via a simulation.

Young pilot at the diving robot simulation

MARUM lectures at Weserbahnhof

11:00 amProf. Dr. Tilo von Dobeneck
Die magnetische und elektrische Vermessung des Meeresbodens
11:30 amDr. Nicolas Nowald
Unterwassertechnologien am MARUM

The Seabed Profiler NERIDIS will be presented at the research mile next to the MARUM tent.

How to find us

To the research mile below the Weser Tower you can come by foot along the Weserpromenade Schlachte, by tram with line 3 (direction Gröpelingen step out "Eduard-Schopf-Allee") or by shuttle boats commuting between Martini-pier and pier 13 (see timetable on the map below).