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Expeditions / Conferences

Date Ship Target area Cruise Task
02.1996 Victor Hensen Canary Islands - BrHvn scientific use of a Pump and Probe Fluorometer (build for the Diploma Thesis)
04.2002 Meteor Canary Islands M53-2 DOLAN maintenance
05.2002 DLR Cologne MOVE project meeting DLR
06.2002 Poseidon Canary Islands PO291 DOLAN maintenance
11.2002 Thaliarte Canary Islands DOLAN maintenance
01.2003 NOC Southampton ANIMATE projektmeeting
04.2003 Poseidon Island PO296 Cherokee ROV Pilot
05.2003 Meteor Canary Islands / Azores M58-3 DOLAN maintenance
07.2003 IFREMER Brest ESONET project meeting
10.2003 Poseidon Canary Islands PO305 DOLAN maintenance
11.2003 Eckernförde MOVE test in the Baltic Sea
01.2004 ICCM Canary Islands ANIMATE project meeting
05.2004 APL Seattle NOAA conference Iridium telemetry
07.2004 Eckernförde MOVE test in the Baltic Sea
12.2004 Poseidon Canary Islands PO319 DOLAN maintenance
03.2005 Poseidon Canary Islands PO320 DOLAN maintenance
04.2005 Gauss Bergen / Hardanger Fjord MOVE expedition
04.2006 Iridium Satellite Gateway Tempe (Arizona) NOAA conference Iridium telemetry
07.2006 Celtic Explorer Galway / Porcupine Bank Mebo drilling expedition
11.2006 Poseidon Canary Islands PO344-2 DOLAN maintenance
11.2006 Meteor Crete eastern Mediterranean Sea M70-3 Quest ROV Pilot
03.2007 ISE Researcher Vancouver AUV project meeting
03.2007 Merian Canary Islands MSM04-4b DOLAN maintenance
04.2007 ISE Researche Vancouver AUV
factory acceptance test
06.2007 Le Suroit Toulon AUV sea acceptance test 1
10.2007 Poseidon Canary Islands PO360 DOLAN maintenance
11.2007 Poseidon Toulon PO361 AUV sea acceptance test 2
04.2008 Poseidon Canary Islands PO365 AUV expedition
05.2008 Rotterdam RESON PDS2000 training
06.2008 Meteor Namibia, Kongo, Angola M76-3 AUV expedition
04.2009 Kormoran Lake Constance AUV expedition
07.2009 Polarstern Spitzbergen ARK-XXIV/2 Quest ROV Pilot
11.2009 Merian Cyprus eastern mediterranean Sea MSM13-4 AUV expedition
05.2010 Merian Sewastopol / Black Sea MSM15-2 AUV expedition
02.2011 Meteor Istanbul / Black Sea M84-2 AUV expedition
06.2011 Göttingen Project meeting Dust Collector Buoy ( WHOI / NIOZ )
03.2012 Sonne Tokio / Fukushima SO219a AUV expedition
03.2013 Polarstern Sandwich Islands ANT-XXIX/4 Videosled, CTD
10.2013 Telde / Gran Canaria NEXOS Kick Off Meeting
02.2014 Heincke North Sea / Helgoland HE413 Lander Operations
07.2014 Kiel Fachgruppe Unterwasserkommunikation / Maritimer Cluster Norddeutschland
09.2014 Kiel Maritimer Cluster / optische Messverfahren im Meer
11.2014 Sonne Kiel Exhibition on RV Sonne in Kiel
03.2015 Heincke German Bight HE441 research cruise in the german bight
10.2016 MS Tide Outer Weser Installation of an remote Camera
11.2016 MS Tide Outer Weser Maintenance of the Camera
11.2016 MS Tide Outer Weser Replacement of defect LTE Modem
09.2017 MS Alte Weser Outer Weser Installation of new Telemetry system
03.2018 Seattle (APL) qualification of the M³ instruments for the OOI project at the APL in Seattle
09.2018 FS Alkor Kieler Bucht AL515 CTD training for students
03.2019 Seattle (APL) qualification of a camera System for the OOI cable observatory at the APL in Seattle
06.2019 RV Atlantis Newport (Oregon) AT42-12 Installation of M³ OOI Camera, Maintenance of Overview Sonar, redeployment
08.2022 RV Thompson Newport (Oregon) TN407 Maintenance, re-installation of intruments on the OOI Network with ROV ROPOS
04.2023 FS Alkor Kieler Bucht AL1023 Studenttraining, CTD, Mini ROV
08.2023 RV Thompson Newport (Oregon) TN422 Recovery of all MARUM instruments from the OOI network
03.2024 FS Alkor Kieler Bucht AL0624 Studenttraining, CTD Mini ROV