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Dr. Dragan Latinović


Geosystem Modeling


+49 421 218-65456



GEO, 5380

Dragan Latinović

Obtained a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. degree in meteorology from University of Belgrade, Serbia, and a Ph.D. degree in meteorology from INPE (National Center for Space Research), São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. Joined MARUM in September 2020 as a postdoctoral researcher in the field of (paleo)climate and/or ice-sheet modelling, work package (WP) 1.3 of the project PalMod-German climate modelling initiative ("From the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene: Modeling a Complete Glacial Cycle"). Main activity within the WP1.3 is to study physical processes that led to the inception of the last ice age. His current work includes performing of coupled climate/ice-sheet simulations, and also continuous development of the climate/ice-sheet model (CESM+PISM). His area of interest includes global and regional atmospheric modelling, regional climate downscaling, seasonal forecasts as well as Earth-system modelling and paleoclimate modelling.