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Dr. Torsten Bickert


MARUM Director


+49 421 218-65535


+49 421 218-65505



MARUM I - 3070

Torsten Bickert

Professional development
1982-88 Study of Geology, Oceanography und Geophysics at University of Kiel, Diplom
1989-92 PhD at the Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, University of Bremen
1992-97 PostDoc within several projects related to the DFG priority program DSDP/ODP
1997 - Senior scientist at MARUM, University of Bremen
2004 - Co-chair of the Research Area Ocean and Climate, Research Center and Excellencecluster "The Ocean in the Earth System"

Lecturer in the field of Geosciences, Marine Geology and Paleoceanography
2014-19 Dean of Studies, Department of Geosciences

Research interests
- stable isotopes and trace elements in calcareous marine organisms
- carbon cycle in ocean and atmosphere
- Neogene stratigraphy and climate
- Reconstruction of Neogene deep ocean circulation
- Paleozoic climate reconstruction

General Geosciences
Introduction to rocks
Field trips (BSc) Helgoland, Alb-Ries-HEgau
Field trips (MSc) Eastern Alpine Mountains, Gotland
Research Seminar for Master Students

Marine Geology, Paleoceanography
Stratigraphy of marine sediments
Seminar Marine Environment
Stable Isotopes and Trace Elements in Paleoenvironmental Research
Marine Environmental Archives Project

Postgraduate education
Courses within the graduate training on
- Cenozoic paleoceanography
- Time-Series Analysis
- Abrupt Climate Changes


google scholar publications