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CV Tim Freudenthal


2000 - Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.)
Thesis: Reconstruction of productivity gradients in the Canary Islands region off Morocco by means of sinking particles and sediments.

1997 - 2000
PhD studies at the University of Bremen. Main focus: Paleoceanography, Paleoclimate, Particle transport, early diagenesis

1996 - Diplom (Dipl.-Geol.)
Thesis Part 1: Early diagenetic reactions of phosphorus and organic carbon in marine sediments of the Amazone deep sea fan.
Thesis Part 2: Quartärgeologische Kartierung im Maßstab 1:10.000 im Raum Fischerhude/Quelkhorn, Blatt 2820 Ottersberg (TK25)

1990 - 1996
Studies of Geology/Palaeontology at the University of Bremen.
main focus: Geophysics, Geochemistry

Research Activities

Since 2011
project management for the development of the sea floor drill rig MeBo200

2006 - 2007
Coordination of the expeditions with RV Maria S. Merian in the tropical/subtropical Atlantic, December 2006 – April 2007

Cooperation with PIPCo RSG Ltd for the use of the sea floor drill rig MeBo for the „Petroleum Infrastructure Programme Group 4“ of the Irish Shelf Petroleum Study Group

since 2003
project management for the development of the sea floor drill rig MeBo

2002 - 2006
project mananagement „Geotechnical Investigations for Offshore Wind Energie Plants“ (funded by the Senate for Construction and Environment, Bremen)

since 2001
MARUM (former Research Center Ocean Margins), work areas "Ocean and Climate" and "Marine Technology"

2000 - 2002
Cooperation with Benthic GeoTech, scientific deployment of submersible drill rigs

1999 - 2002
DFG-Projects We 992/31 "Kanaren-Kernlogging" and We 992/41 "Rekonstruktion der Variabilität der biogenen und terrigenen Sedimentation in der Kanarenregion im letzten Glazial anhand von Zeitscheibenanalysen"

1997 - 2000
MAST III EU-Project CANIGO „Canary Islands Gibraltar and Azores Observations“