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Participation in research projects

Projekt / Project
MARUM Project 'GB 3: Contribution of cold seeps to geological processes, carbon fluxes, and ecosystems 'within the Research Area 'GB Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions' (since 2012)
GUINECO-MeBo Expedition for the investigation of formation and development of submarine pockmark structures in sediments of the Niger Delta (2011/2012)
MARUM Project 'GB 4: Structure and Dynamics of Cold Seeps' within the Research Area 'GB: Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions' (2009–2012)
SUGAR I, II + III Submarine gas hydrate resources (2008–2018)
MARUM Subproject 'Quantification of emissions of fluids and gas at cold seeps' within the project area 'Seepage of fluid and gas' (2006–2009)
METRO Methane and methane hydrates within the Black Sea: Structural analyses, quantification and impact of a dynamic methane reservoir (2005–2007)
SPP 1144 Hydrothermalism at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (2005)
BEBOP Biogeochemistry and Microbiology of Bioherms prospering in the Black Sea (2004–2005)
BOSMAN I + II Boreale Schwämme als marine Naturstoffquelle (,Boreal sponges as source of marine natural products', 1999–2005)
GHOSTDABS Gas Hydrates: Occurrence, Stability, Transformation, Dynamic, and Biology in the Black Sea (2001–2003)