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Conference Talks - Thomas Felis

  • American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (AGU23), San Francisco (USA), 2023
  • GeoBerlin 2023, German Geological Society - Geological Association (DGGV), Berlin (Germany), 2023
  • 5th Asia-Pacific Coral Reef Symposium (APCRS 2023), Singapore (Singapore), 2023
  • 1st Topical Meeting DFG Priority Programme "Tropical Climate Variability & Coral Reefs" (SPP 2299), Bremen, 2023
  • PAGES 2k Network workshop "Hydroclimate synthesis of the Common Era", Potsdam (Germany), 2023 invited
  • ECORD Summer School "Sea level, climate variability and coral reefs", Bremen, 2022
  • MagellanPlus Workshop "IODP drilling off the Belize Barrier Reef", Frankfurt a. M. (Germany), 2022 invited
  • 15th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS 2022), Bremen, 2022
  • PAGES 2k Network seminar series, online, 2021 invited
  • IWH Symposium - Hengstberger Symposium "Beyond Palaeoclimate Ping Pong: Improving estimates of past climate variability by consistent data-model comparison, Heidelberg (Germany) (hybrid), 2021 invited
  • 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP13), Sydney (Australia), 2019 invited plenary
  • PAGES CoralHydro2k Meeting, Sydney (Australia), 2019
  • PaleoENSO Workshop, Belitung Island (Indonesia), 2019
  • PAGES PALSEA-QUIGS Joint Workshop "Climate, ice sheets and sea level during past interglacial periods", Galloway NJ (USA), 2018
  • European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna (Austria), 2018
  • German Research Foundation (DFG) Round Table (Rundgespräch) "Tropical coral archives", Bremen, 2018
  • PAGES CVAS (Climate Variability Across Scales) Workshop: Understanding and modeling space-time Holocene climate variability, Potsdam (Germany), 2017
  • International Workshop "Tropical coral archives" (@GeoBremen 2017 International Conference), Bremen, 2017
  • PAGES Open Science Meeting 2017, Zaragoza (Spain), 2017
  • PAGES/OCCR Workshop "Lessons learnt from paleoscience on a possible 1.5 – 2°C warmer world in the future", Bern (Switzerland), 2017
  • American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2016 invited
  • American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2016
  • Coral Paleoclimate Workshop, MARUM, University of Bremen, Bremen, 2016
  • PAGES 2k PMIP3 Workshop "Comparing data and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era", Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades (USA), 2016
  • European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna (Austria), 2015
  • Joint IODP/ICDP Colloquium 2015, Bonn (Germany), 2015
  • American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2014
  • International Joint Workshop "Recent developments in paleoenvironmental studies", Hokkaido University, Sapporo (Japan), 2014 invited
  • European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna (Austria), 2013
  • 12th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS 2012), Cairns (Australia), 2012
  • European Science Foundation Research Conference "Modes of Variability in the Climate System: Past-Present-Future", Obergurgl (Austria), 2012 invited
  • European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna (Austria), 2012
  • PMIP-MARGO-PAGES Workshop "Comparing Ocean Models with Paleo-Archives (COMPARE 2012)", Bremen, 2012
  • Joint IODP/ICDP Colloquium 2012, Kiel (Germany), 2012
  • IUP/AWI Seminar on "Climate variability", Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, 2012
  • American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2011 invited
  • European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna (Austria), 2011 invited
  • European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna (Austria), 2011
  • Final European Science Foundation EuroMARC Conference, Cascais (Portugal), 2011
  • The University of Jordan, Aqaba (Jordan), 2010 invited
  • Geological Society of America Global Meeting "Tectonic Crossroads: Evolving orogens of Eurasia-Africa-Arabia", Ankara (Turkey), 2010 invited
  • American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2009
  • Northcluster Workshop Series "Ocean & Earth System - past, present and future", Kiel (Germany), 2009
  • International Conference and 99th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung (GV), Göttingen (Germany), 2009
  • Second European Science Foundation EuroMARC Conference, Presqu'Ile de Giens (France), 2009
  • PAGES-European Science Foundation MedCLIVAR Workshop "Climate Extremes During Recent Millennia and their Impact on Mediterranean Societies", Athens (Greece), 2008
  • Bremen series of lectures "International Year of the Reef 2008", House of Science, Bremen, 2008
  • European Science Foundation MedCLIVAR Workshop "Oxygen isotopes as tracers of Mediterranean climate variability: linking past, present and future", Pisa (Italy), 2008 invited
  • Ringvorlesung "Das Klima der Erde im Wandel", Humboldt-University, Berlin (Germany), 2008 invited
  • European Science Foundation EuroMARC joint CARBONATE/CHECREEF Workshop "The geology of coral-rich carbonate systems: from tropical, shallow water to cold, deep-water settings", Sant' Alessio, Sicily (Italy), 2008
  • The University of Hong Kong, Department of Earth Sciences, Hong Kong (Hong Kong), 2008 invited
  • European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008, Vienna (Austria), 2008
  • Joint IODP/ICDP Colloquium 2008, Hannover (Germany), 2008
  • IODP Expedition 310 2nd Post-Expedition Meeting, Papeete, Tahiti (French Polynesia), 2007
  • DFG-Geokommission Nachwuchsworkshop, Weimar (Germany), 2007 invited
  • American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2005 invited
  • American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 2005
  • System Earth-Biosphere Coupling, Erlangen (Germany), 2005
  • DEKLIM/PAGES Conference "The climate of the next millennia in the perspective of abrupt climate change during the late Pleistocene", Mainz (Germany), 2005
  • 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa (Japan), 2004
  • European Science Foundation-HOLIVAR Workshop "Holocene palaeodata integration and analysis", Bremen (Germany), 2004
  • Workshop on global carbon cycle and related mapping based on satellite imagery and climate change, Tsukuba (Japan), 2004 invited
  • 6. Deutsche Klimatagung, Potsdam (Germany), 2003
  • EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly 2003, Nice (France), 2003 invited
  • Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften der festen Erde, GEO 2002, Würzburg (Germany), 2002
  • 1st Sino-German Youth Workshop on Western Pacific Marginal Seas, Shanghai (China), 2002 invited
  • European Meeting of the International Society for Reef Studies, Cambridge (United Kingdom), 2002
  • 27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice (France), 2002
  • 1st Workshop of the DEKLIM EEM Project, Leipzig (Germany), 2002
  • 1st ARTS/PAGES Open Science Meeting, Nouméa (New Caledonia), 2001