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Dr. Solveig Bühring


Petrology of the Ocean Crust


+49 421 218-65964


+49 421 218-65715



MARUM pavilion, 1090

Solveig Bühring

Foto: Alina Esken


Curriculum vitae

2019 permanent research staff at MARUM
2018 extention approval for Emmy Noether group
2011 start of the Emmy Noether Young Investigator Group Hydrothermal Geomicrobiology
2007-2010 MARUM Fellow at the University of Bremen/MARUM
2006-2007 Marie Curie Research Fellow at the University of Bremen/RCOM
2005-2006 Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2004-2005 RCOM Fellow at the University of Bremen/RCOM
2004 PhD Degree from the University of Bremen Thesis: Microbial carbon processing in marine sediments: Case studies in North Sea sands and oligotrophic deep-sea sediments
2000-2003 PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen
1999 Diploma thesis at the Department of Biology (Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries),University of Hamburg Thesis: Investigations on taxonomic composition and energy reserves of benthopelagic fauna in the Northeastern Atlantic
1996-1999 Student at the Department of Biology, University of Hamburg
1993-1996 Student at the Department of Biology, RWTH Aachen

Gonzalo Gómez Sáez
Miriam Sollich

Research interests

Arun Madisetti

As a geomicrobiologist, I am interested in the link between organisms and ecosystem functioning. Recently, I focused on hydrothermal systems, investigating the microbial community using the reduced substances provided from below and how toxic substances, like arsenic, influence the microbial biodiversity and the expression of detoxification mechanism. To describe microbial communities and adaptations, I investigate their lipidome and I use stable isotope probing of lipids to investigate microbial functioning.


Durán-Toro, V, Rezwan, K, Bühring, SI and Maas, M (2022) Arsenic and sulfur nanoparticle synthesis mimicking environmental conditions of submarine shallow-water hydrothermal vents. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 111. 301-312. doi:10.1016/j.jes.2021.04.011

Sievert, SM, Bühring, SI, Gulmann, LK, Hinrichs, KU, Pop Ristova, P and Gomez-Saez, GV (2022) Fluid flow stimulates chemoautotrophy in hydrothermally influenced coastal sediments. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1). doi:10.1038/s43247-022-00426-5

Caramanna, G, Sievert, SM and Bühring, SI (2021) Submarine shallow-water fluid emissions and their geomicrobiological imprint: a global overview. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.727199

Schnakenberg, A, Aromokeye, DA, Kulkarni, A, Maier, L, Wunder, LC, Richter-Heitmann, T, Pape, T, Ristova, PP, Bühring, SI, Dohrmann, I, Bohrmann, G, Kasten, S and Friedrich, MW (2021) Electron acceptor availability shapes Anaerobically Methane Oxidizing Archaea (ANME) communities in South Georgia sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.617280

Klatt, JM, Gomez-Saez, GV, Meyer, S, Pop Ristova, P, Yilmaz, P, Granitsiotis, MS, Macalady, JL, Lavik, G, Polerecky, L and Bühring, SI (2020) Versatile cyanobacteria control the timing and extent of sulfide production in a Proterozoic analog microbial mat. The ISME Journal. doi:10.1038/s41396-020-0734-z

Aepfler, RF, Bühring, SI and Elvert, M (2019) Substrate characteristic bacterial fatty acid production based on amino acid assimilation and transformation in marine sediments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95(10). doi:10.1093/femsec/fiz131

Durán-Toro, VM, Price, RE, Maas, M, Brombach, CC, Pichler, T, Rezwan, K and Bühring, SI (2019) Amorphous arsenic sulfide nanoparticles in a shallow water hydrothermal system. Marine Chemistry, 211. 25-36. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2019.03.008

Gomez-Saez, GV, Pop Ristova, P, Sievert, SM, Elvert, M, Hinrichs, KU and Bühring, SI (2017) Relative importance of chemoautotrophy for primary production in a light exposed marine Shallow Hydrothermal System. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.00702

Pop Ristova, P, Pichler, T, Friedrich, MW and Bühring, SI (2017) Bacterial diversity and biogeochemistry of two marine shallow-water hydrothermal systems off Dominica (Lesser Antilles). Frontiers in Microbiology, 8. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.02400 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Sollich, M, Yoshinaga, MY, Häusler, S, Price, RE, Hinrichs, KU and Bühring, SI (2017) Heat stress dictates microbial lipid composition along a thermal gradient in marine sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01550

Gomez-Saez, GV, Niggemann, J, Dittmar, T, Pohlabeln, AM, Lang, SQ, Noowong, A, Pichler, T, Wörmer, L and Bühring, SI (2016) Molecular evidence for abiotic sulfurization of dissolved organic matter in marine shallow hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 190. 35-52. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.06.027 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Gomez-Saez, GV, Riedel, T, Niggemann, J, Pichler, T, Dittmar, T and Bühring, SI (2015) Interaction between iron and dissolved organic matter in a marine shallow hydrothermal system off Dominica Island (Lesser Antilles). Marine Chemistry, 177. 677-686. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2015.10.003 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Kleint, C, Kuzmanovski, S, Powell, Z, Bühring, SI, Sander, SG and Koschinsky, A (2015) Organic Cu-complexation at the shallow marine hydrothermal vent fields off the coast of Milos (Greece), Dominica (Lesser Antilles) and the Bay of Plenty (New Zealand). Marine Chemistry, 173. 244-252. doi:10.1016/j.marchem.2014.10.012 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Bühring, SI, Kamp, A, Wörmer, L, Ho, S and Hinrichs, KU (2014) Functional structure of laminated microbial sediments from a supratidal sandy beach of the German Wadden Sea (St. Peter-Ording). Journal of Sea Research, 85. 463-473. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2013.08.001 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Price, RE, Savov, I, Planer-Friedrich, B, Bühring, SI, Amend, J and Pichler, T (2013) Processes influencing extreme As enrichment in shallow-sea hydrothermal fluids of Milos Island, Greece. Chemical Geology, 348. 15-26. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.06.007

Bühring, S, Schubotz, F, Harms, C, Lipp, JS, Amils, R and Hinrichs, KU (2012) Lipid signatures of acidophilic microbial communities in an extreme, acidic environment: Río Tinto, Spain. Organic Geochemistry, 47. 66-77. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.03.010

Bühring, S, Sievert, SM, Jonkers, HM, Elshahed, MS, Krumholz, LR and Hinrichs, KU (2011) Insights into chemotaxonomic composition and carbon cycling of phototrophic communities in an artesian sulfur-rich spring (Zodletone, Oklahoma, USA), a possible analog for ancient microbial mat systems. Geobiology, 9(2). 166-179. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4669.2010.00268.x

Christiansen, B, Bühring, S, Pfannkuche, O and Weikert, H (2010) The near-bottom plankton community at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, NE-Atlantic: structure and vertical distribution. Marine Biology Research, 6(2). 113-124. doi:10.1080/17451000903150363

Bühring, S, Smittenberg, RH, Sachse, D, Lipp, JS, Golubic, S, Sachs, JP, Hinrichs, KU and Summons, RE (2009) A hypersaline microbial mat from the Pacific Atoll Kiritimati: Insight into composition and carbon fixation using biomarker analyses and a 13C-labeling approach. Geobiology, 7(3). 308 - 323. doi:10.1111/j.1472-4669.2009.00198.x PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Elshahed, MS, Youssef, NH, Luo, Q, Najar, FZ, Roe, BA, Sisk, TM, Bühring, S, Hinrichs, KU and Krumholz, LR (2007) Phylogenetic and Metabolic Diversity of Planctomycetes from Anaerobic, Sulfide- and Sulfur-Rich Zodletone Spring, Oklahoma. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73(15). 4707-4716. doi:10.1128/AEM.00591-07

Bühring, S, Ehrenhauss, S, Kamp, A, Moodley, L and Witte, U (2006) POC processing in a sublittoral sandy sediment: pulse chase experiment with 13C-labelled diatoms. Marine Biology Research, 2. 120-129. doi:10.1080/17451000600678773

Bühring, S, Lampadariou, N, Moodley, L, Tselepides, T and Witte, U (2006) Benthic microbial and whole-community responses to different amounts of 13C-enriched algae: In situ experiments in the deep Cretan Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Limnology and Oceanography, 51(1). 157-165. doi:10.4319/lo.2006.51.1.0157

Bühring, S, Elvert, M and Witte, U (2005) The microbial community structure of different permeable sandy sediments characterized by the investigation of bacterial fatty acids and fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Environmental Microbiology, 7(2). 281-293. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00710.x

Ehrenhauss, S, Witte, U, Bühring, S and Huettel, M (2004) Effect of advective pore water transport on distribution and degradation of diatoms in permeable North Sea sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 271. 99-111. doi:10.3354/meps271099

Bühring, S, Koppelmann, R, Christiansen, B and Weikert, H (2002) Are Rhodophyceae a dietary component for deep-sea holothurians? Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 82(2). 347-348. doi:10.1017/S0025315402005556

Bühring, SI and Christiansen, B (2001) Lipids in selected abyssal benthopelagic animals: links to the epipelagic zone? Progress in Oceanography 50. 369-382.

Publications in preparation

Sollich, M, Yoshinaga, MY., Sievert, SM and Bühring, SI (in prep) Transfer of chemosynthetic fixed carbon and its ecological significance revealed by lipid analysis of fluids at diffuse flow deep-sea vents (East Pacific Rise 9°50’N)

Scientific expeditions

Arun Madisetti
Anna Maria Einarsdóttir
Anna Maria Einarsdóttir
August 2023

Bridging hydrothermal sites along the Hellenic Arc off Milos from shallow to deep (BridgeHell),

PI on expedition with RV METEOR to hydrothermal vents off Milos (Greece)

June 2017 Expedition to submarine shallow-water hydrothermal vents off Milos (Greece)
June 2016 Expedition to submarine shallow-water hydrothermal vents off Milos (Greece)
May 2015 Sampling at the submarine shallow-water hydrothermal vents off Kueishantao, Taiwan
June 2014 Expedition to submarine shallow-water hydrothermal vents off Iceland
April 2013 Expedition to submarine shallow-water hydrothermal vents off Dominica (Lesser Antilles)
May 2012 Expedition to submarine shallow-water hydrothermal vents off Milos (Greece)
June 2009 Expedition to submarine shallow-water hydrothermal vents off Milos (Greece)
June 2008 Experimental campaign on laminated microbial sediments, St. Peter-Ording
June 2006 Expedition to Río Tinto in Spain
October 2005 Expedition to the Zodletone sulfur spring in Oklahoma (USA)
September 2004 Expedition to the Zodletone sulfur spring in Oklahoma (USA)
July 2002 RV Philia to the Cretan Sea off Crete (Greece)
September 2001 RV Heincke to the Southern North Sea off Bremerhaven (Germany)
June 2001 RV Heincke to the Southern North Sea off Bremerhaven (Germany)
April 2001 RV Heincke to the Southern North Sea off Bremerhaven (Germany)
October 2000 RV Uthoern to the Southern North Sea off Bremerhaven (Germany)
April 2000 RV Poseidon to the Northeast Atlantic off Galway (Ireland)
August 1998 RV Meteor to the Northeast Atlantic off Lisbon (Portugal)
August 1997 RV Alkor to the Skaggerak (North Sea ) off Kiel (Germany)
March/April 1997 RV Discovery to the Northeast Atlantic off Vigo (Spain)

reviewer for...


ISME Journal, Geobiology, PLOS ONE, Environmental Microbiology, Chemical Geology, Deep Sea Research, Organic Geochemistry, Microbial Ecology, Marine Biology, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Radiocarbon, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Biogeosciences

teaching of...


Microbial Interactions (MarMic M.Sc.)

Molekulare Geobiologie (M.Sc.)
Einführing in die Geobiologie (B.Sc.) until 2012
Einführung in die Astrobiologie (M.Sc.) until 2012