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Dr. Patrick Boyden



UFT 0615

Patrick Boyden

Research interests

In my research, I study the geomorphology and ecology of tropical to sub-tropical coastlines, and focus on how these environments respond to changing sea-level rise and climate. Additionally, I investigate the dynamics controlling paleo coral reef development during the Quaternary. My goal is to better understand morphological and ecological responses driven by warmer climatic conditions based on the geological record.

My work utilizes a multifaceted approach to analyze changes in coastal geomorphology and ecology including: advanced field surveying techniques (e.g., dGNSS, UAV mapping), Structure from Motion/Multi-View Stereo outcrop reconstruction, forward stratigraphic modeling and numerical morpho- and hydro-dynamic modeling.

Coastal aeolianite, Lembetabe, Madagascar
A. Rovere, 2019
Paleo reef - volcanic basement contact, Curacao
P. Boyden, 2022
Tidal notches, Ramada Islands, Madagascar
P. Boyden, 2019

Cur­ri­cu­lum Vi­tae

Since June 2022

Postdoctoral researcher, Marine Ecology Group, MARUM and Faculty of Biology/Chemistry, University of Bremen

Project: 'Frozen in Time: ecology of paleo reefs' in the DFG Prio­ri­ty Pro­gram 'Tro­pi­cal Cli­ma­te Va­ria­bi­li­ty and Co­ral Reefs (SPP 2299)'

February 2019 - May 2022

PhD, Sea Level and Coastal Changes Group, MARUM and Faculty of Geoscience, University of Bremen

Thesis: 'Last Interglacial sea level in the western Indian Ocean: multifacited approach to paleo relative sea level indicator interpretation and analysis'

September 2016 - December 2018

MSc, Faculty of Geoscience, University of Bremen

Thesis: 'Modeling the impact of tropical cyclones on developed coastlines under future sea-level rise scenarios'

September 2010 - December 2014 BSc, Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Cruz

Thesis: 'The adaptability of tidal flats to future sea-level rise'