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Talks/Posters (only principle authorships)

Conference contributions


Titschack J, Wienberg C, Baum D, Groeneveld J, Freiwald A, Hebbeln D, Wetterauer K, Kremer A, et al. (2022) Cold-water coral mounds – carbonate factories and palaeoarchives in intermediate water depths. Talk, 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography, The University of NSW (UNSW Sydney), 2 September 2019 - 6 September 2019.


Titschack J, Fink HG, Baum D, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2017) Mediterranean cold-water corals – an important regional carbonate factory? Talk, GeoBremen2017 - Joint Mee­ting of DGGV and DMG, Bremen, Germany, September 24 – 29, 2017.

Titschack J, Baum D (2017) Lophelia pertusa morphotype differentiation in computed tomography data – a first approach. Poster, GeoBremen2017 - Joint Mee­ting of DGGV and DMG, Bremen, Germany, September 24 – 29, 2017.

Titschack J, Baum D (2017) Cold-water coral preservation patterns in coral mounds evaluated by computed tomography: state of the art and future perspectives. Talk, International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017 – Toulouse, 10-12 October 2017.


Titschack J, Fink HG, Baum D, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2017) Mediterranean cold-water corals – an important regional carbonate factory? Talk, 6th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals, 11.-16.9.2016, Boston, USA.

Titschack J, Baum D (2017) Lophelia pertusa morphotype differentiation in computed tomography data – a first approach. Poster, 6th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals, 11.-16.9.2016, Boston, USA.

Titschack J, Baum D (2015) Ambient occlusion - a powerful algorithm to segment skeletal intrapores and gasttral cavities in dendrophillid cold-water corals. Poster, 31st IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, 22. - 25.6.2015, Kraów, Poland
Titschack J, Baum D, De Pol-Holz R, López Correa M, Forster N, Flögel S, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2014) Aggradation and carbonate accumulation of Norwegian cold-water coral reefs. Talk, 19th International Sedimentological Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 18. - 22.8. 2014.

Titschack J, Baum D (2014) Advanced computed tomography analyses of cold-water coral mound cores: new insights into mound formation processes. Poster, 19th International Sedimentological Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 18. - 22. August 2014.

Titschack J, Fink HG, López Correa M, de Pol-Holz R, Joseph N, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2012) Carbonate budget of cold-water coral mounds: First results from the Norwegian and Mediterranean Seas. Talk, 5th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1-6 April 2012.

Titschack, J., Maier E., Kuhnert, H. (2010) Seasonal environmental archives in temperate climates - lessons from a bivalve of Rhodes (Greece). 7th international Workshop on “Palaeontology in Atlantic islands"”, Santa Maria Island (Azores), 15‐25 July, 2010

Titschack, J., Thierens, M., Dorschel, B., Schulbert, C., Freiwald, A., Kano, A., Takashima, C., Kawagoe, N., Li, X. and IODP Expedition 307 Scientific Party (2008): Carbonate budget and growth of cold-water coral mounds implications from Challenger Mound (IODP Exp. 307 – Modern carbonate mounds: Porcupine Drilling). Talk, 26th Regional Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentology (IAS) in Bochum, Germany.

Titschack, J., Vertino, A., Pino, P., and Rosso, A. (2008): Plio-Pleistocene cold-water coral deposits at La Montagna(Messina, Sicily) submarine dune or cold-water coral mound. Poster, 26th Regional Meeting of the International Association of Sedimentology (IAS) in Bochum, Germany.

Titschack, J., Thierens, M., Dorschel, B., Schulbert, C., Freiwald, A., Kano, A., Takashima, C., Kawagoe, N., Li, X. and the IODP Expedition 307 Scientific Party (2008): Carbonate budget and growth of cold-water coral mounds - implications from Challenger Mound (IODP Exp. 307 - Modern carbonate mounds: Porcupine drilling). Talk, EuroMARC joint CARBONATE/CHECREEF Workshop, Sant' Alessio, Sicily, Italy.

Titschack, J., Vertino, A., Pino, P., and Rosso, A. (2008): Plio-Pleistocene cold-water coral deposits at La Montagna(Messina, Sicily) submarine dune or cold-water coral mound. Poster, EuroMARC joint CARBONATE/CHECREEF Workshop, Sant' Alessio, Sicily, Italy.

Titschack, J., Thierens, M., Dorschel, B., Schulbert, C., Freiwald, A., Kano, A., Takashima, C., Kawagoe, N., Li, X. and the IODP Expedition 307 Scientific Party (2008): Cold-Water Coral Mound Growth – implications from Challenger Mound (IODP Exp. 307 – Modern carbonate mounds: Porcupine Drilling). Poster IODP/ICP Colloquium, Hannover, Germany.

Titschack, J., Radtke, U. and Freiwald, A. (2007): Dating diagenetic events of neomorphic altered Spondylus bivalves by ESR (Pleistocene, Island of Rhodes, Greece). Talk, 13th Bathurst Meeting, Norwich, United Kingdom.

Titschack, J., Bromley, R.G., Milàn, J., Rähle, W. and Freiwald, A. (2007): Late Quaternary ooid-bearing aeolianites from Rhodes (Greece): indicators for frequent tropical conditions? Poster, 13th Bathurst Meeting, Norwich, United Kingdom.

Titschack, J., Kano, A., Schulbert, C., Foubert, A., Henriet, J.-P. and Freiwald, A. (2007): Sedimentary patterns in the cold-water coral-bearing Challenger Mound (Porcupine Seabight, southwest of Ireland, IODP Leg 307). Poster, 13th Bathurst Meeting, Norwich, United Kingdom.

Titschack, J., Kano, A., Schulbert, C., Foubert, A., Henriet, J.-P. and Freiwald, A. (2007): First results from the IODP Leg 307: Sedimentary patterns in a cold-water coral mound (Challenger Mound, Porcupine Seabight, off SW Ireland). Poster, IODP/ICP Colloquium, Potsdam, Germany.

Titschack, J. (2007): Cool-Water Carbonates ? Depositional and Reservoir Attributes. Talk, Shell Internal specialist forum, 1st March.

Titschack, J. (2007): Cool-Water Carbonates ? Characteristics, Controlling Factors, Spatial and Temporal Distribution, and Reservoir Potential. Talk, Shell Internal specialist forum, 13th March.

earlier contributions

Invited talks

Titschack J, Wienberg C, Baum D, Groeneveld J, Freiwald A, Hebbeln D, Wetterauer K, Kremer A, et al. (2022) Cold-water coral mounds – carbonate factories and palaeoarchives in intermediate water depths. Keynote ate the Irish Geological Research Meeting, 25.02.2022.

Titschack J (2015) Cold-water corals - a global carbonate factory? Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Institut für Geologie, Leibniz Universität Hannover, 7.12.2015.

Titschack, J., Borkhataria, R., Burgess, P. (2009): Cold-water carbonates through Geological Time. Keynote, COld-Water CArbonate Reservoir systems in Deep Environments (COCARDE): A Pilot Industry—Academia Partnership in Marine Research Drilling, Fribourg, Switzerland, 21–24 January 2009.

Titschack, J. and Freiwald, A. (2004): Preservational windows of bathyal coral communities: the early Pleistocene St. Paul´s Bay Limestone on Rhodes, Greece. Talk, University of Catania, Italy.

Titschack, J. (2004): Rhodos-Exkursion. Talk, University of Halle, Germany.

Public talks

Titschack J (2013) Geologie von Rhodos und die griechische Mythologie. Public Talk, Series of lecture Expedition Erde (Teil X) of the University of Bremen, 25 & 27 March 2013.

Titschack, J., Maier E., Kuhnert, H. (2010) Muscheln als Klimaarchiv mittlerer Breiten. Public talk, Geowissenschaftlicher Arbeitskreis, Fachbereich 5, Universität Bremen, 13.01.2010.