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Other publications

Rush D, Laveleye M, Erdem Z, Korte LF, Van Kemenade Z, Baas M, Ungerhofer K, da Costa Portilho Ramos R, Titschack J, De Visser J-D, Van Ooijen J, Koster B (2019) Cruise Report 64PE450 - Kunene Coral Mound Provinces and Namibian Oxygen Depleted Biogeochemistry (KUNOXI) 120

Hebbeln D, Wien­berg C, Bender M, Bergmann F, Dehning K, Dullo W-Chr, Eichstädter R, Flöter S, Freiwald A, Gori A, Haberkern J, Hoffmann L, João F, Lavaleye M, Leymann T, Matsuyama K, Meyer-Schack B, Mienis F, Moçambique I, Nowald N, Orejas C, Ramos Cordova C, Saturov D, Seiter C, Titschack J, Vittori V, Wefing A-M, Wilsenack M, Wintersteller P (2017) ANNA, Cold-tware coral eco­sys­tems off An­gola and Nam­i­bia - Cruise M122 - Decem­ber 30, 2015 - Janu­ary 31, 2016 - Wavis­bay (Nam­i­bia - Walvis­bay (Nam­i­bia). MET­EOR-Berichte/​Re­ports, M122, 74 pp, DFG-Sen­at­skom­mis­sion für Ozeano­graphie, DOI:10.2312/​cr_m122

Vertino A, Titschack J, Rosso A, Di Geronimo I, Pino P (2013) Pleistocene deposits from “La Montagna” (Messina). In: Vertino A, Basso D, Rosso A (eds) Bridging off-shore and on-land research on carbonate mounds: common concepts and techniques Buildups from Sicily: Triassic to Quaternary examples COCARDE Workshop and Field Seminar 2013, September 23-27th, Sicily, Italy, pp. 4-11

Schönfeld J, Bahr A, Bannert B, Bayer A-S, Bayer M, Beer C, Blanz T, Dullo W-Chr, Flögel S, Garlichs T, Haley B, Hübscher C, Joseph N, Kucera M, Langenbacher J, Nürnberg D, Ochsenhirt W-T, Petersen A, Pulm P, Titschack J, Troccoli L (2011) Surface and Intermediate Water hydrography, planktonic and benthic biota in the Caribbean Sea - Climate, Bio and Geosphere linkages (OPOKA). Cruise No. 78, Leg 1, February 22 - March 28, 2009, Colón (Panama) - Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago). Meteor-Berichte 11-6, 40 pp., Senatskommission für Ozeanographie der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, MARUM, Bremen

Vertino A, Titschack J, Di Geronimo I, Pino P, Rosso A (2008) Deep-water coral deposits from northern Sicily. Field guide, EuroMARC joint CARBONATE/CHECREEF Workshop, The Geology of Coral-Rich Carbonate Systems: from tropical, shallow water to cold, deep-water settings, 6th - 8th May 2008, 11pp

Burgess P, Winefield P, Titschack J, Borkhataria R (2007) Global Carbonate Trend Mapping. EP Journal of Technology (Shell internal publication, restricted) Special Issue - Carbonate Exploration 10: 58-63

Expedition Scientists (2005) Modern carbonate mounds: Porcupine drilling. IODP Preliminary Report, 307. doi:10.2204/​

Hemleben C, Becker T, Bellas S, Benningsen G, Casford J, Cagatay N, Emeis K-C, Engelen B, Ertan T, Fontanier C, Friedrich O, Frydas D, Giunta S, Hoffelner H, Jorissen F, Kahl G, Kaszemeik K, Lykousis V, Meier S, Nickel G, Overman J, Pross J, Reichel T, Robert C, Rohling E, Ruschmeier W, Sakinc M, Schiebel R, Schmiedl G, Schubert K, Schulz H, Titschack J, Truscheit T (2003) Ostatlantik-Mittelmeer-Schwarzes Meer, Part 3,Cruise No. 51, Leg 3, 14 November – 10 December 2001, Valetta – Istanbul. METEOR-Berichte 03-1, 57 pp

Nelson CS, Freiwald A, Titschack J, List S (2001) Lithostratigraphy and sequence architecture of temperate mixed siliciclastic-carbonate facies in a new Plio-Pleistocene section at Plimiri, Rhodes Island (Greece). Occasional Report Series, Department of Earth Sciences Waikato, New Zealand, 25, 50 pp