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Heterozoan carbonates

The term heterozoan carbonates is used for carbonate sediments or rocks which are predominately formed by heterozoan organisms, such as bryozoans, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, azooxanthellate corals and calcareous red algae (which are not heterotroph but are a common component in these carbonates). These carbonates are dominant in colder waters, especially in higher latitudes, and were alternatively termed cold-water, cool-water or non-tropical carbonates. They are distinguished from the typical tropical shallow-water carbonates, the so-called photozoan carbonates.
My main interest are the environmental control, sequence stratigraphy and diagenesis of heterozoan carbonates on steep island shelves. I have studied examples on Rhodes (Greece), Sicily (Italy) and Santa Maria (Azores, Portugal).


Ávila SP, Ra­mal­ho RS, Ha­ber­mann JM, Titschack J (2018) The Ma­ri­ne Fos­sil Re­cord at San­ta Ma­ria Is­land (Azo­res). In: Kuep­pers U, Bei­er C (eds) Vol­ca­noes of the Azo­res: Re­vea­ling the Geo­lo­gi­cal Se­crets of the Cen­tral Nort­hern At­lan­tic Is­lands. Sprin­ger Ber­lin Hei­del­berg, Ber­lin, Hei­del­berg, pp155-196

Mil­ker Y, Wein­kauf MFG, Titschack J, Frei­wald A, Krü­ger S, Jo­r­is­sen FJ, Schmiedl G (2017) Tes­ting the ap­p­lica­bi­li­ty of a bent­hic fo­ra­mi­ni­fe­ral-ba­sed trans­fer func­tion for the re­con­struc­tion of pa­leo­wa­ter depth chan­ges in Rho­des (Greece) du­ring the ear­ly Plei­sto­ce­ne. PLOS ONE 12:e0188447

Ávila SP, Ramalho RS, Habermann JM, Quartau R, Kroh A, Berning B, Johnson M, Kirby MX, Zanon V, Titschack J, Goss A, Rebelo AC, Melo C, Madeira P, Cordeiro R, Meireles RP, Bagaço L, Hipólito A, Uchman A, Silva CM, Cachão M, Madeira J (2015) Palaeoecology, taphonomy, and preservation of a lower Pliocene shell bed (coquina) from a volcanic oceanic island (Santa Maria Island, Azores, NE Atlantic Ocean). Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 430: 57-73.

Titschack J, Joseph N, Fietzke J, Freiwald A, Bromley RG (2013) Record of a tectonically-controlled regression captured by changes in carbonate skeletal associations on a structured island shelf (mid-Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece). Sed Geol 283: 15-33.

Titschack J, Radtke U, Freiwald A (2009) Dating and characterizing polymorphic transformation of aragonite to calcite in Pleistocene bivalves from Rhodes (Greece) by combined shell microstructure, stable isotope and electron spin resonance study. J Sed Res 79, 332-346.

Titschack J, Nelson CS, Beck T, Freiwald A, Radtke U (2008) Sedimentary evolution of a Late Pleistocene temperate red algal reef (Coralligène) on Rhodes, Greece: correlation with global sea-level fluctuations. Sedimentology 55, 1747-1776.

Milàn J, Bromley RG, Titschack J, Theodorou G (2007) A diverse vertebrate ichnofauna from a Quaternary eolian oolite from Rhodes, Greece. In: Bromley RG, Buatois LA, Márango MG, Genise JF, Melchor RN (eds). Sediment-organism interactions: A multifaceted ichnology. SEPM Spec Publ 88, 331-342.

Titschack J, Bromley RG, Freiwald A (2005) Plio-Pleistocene cliff-bound, wedge-shaped, warm-temperate carbonate deposits from Rhodes (Greece): sedimentology and facies. Sedimentary Geology, 180: 29-56.

Titschack J, Freiwald A (2005) Growth, deposition, and facies of Pleistocene bathyal coral communities from Rhodes, Greece. In: Freiwald, A., Roberts, J.M. (eds) Cold-Water Corals and Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, pp 41-59.
Mollusc rudstone on erosional unconformity (Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal)
Echinoid (Santa Maria, Azores, Portugal)
Mollusc rudstone (Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece)
Coral colony (Cladocora caespitosa, Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece)