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Curriculum vitae


PostDoc at MARUM, University Bremen within the DFG Project Cold-water coral mound development underneath an eastern boundary upwelling system – the great wall of(f) Mauritania (Ti 706/3-1; since January 2016).

PostDoc at MARUM, University Bremen within GLOMAR - Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences, from June 2015 to December.

PostDoc at Senckenberg am Meer from Mai 2014 to May 2015.

PostDoc at MARUM, University Bremen i.a. within the DFG Project Carbonate budget of cold-water coral mounds along a latitudinal transect (Ti 706/1-1; April 2010 to April 2014).

PostDoc at the GeoZentrum Nordbayern mainly working within the DFG projects “Cold-water coral mound genesis: IODP Leg 307 and Pleistocene Mediterranean occurrences (Fr1134/14; March 2007 to March 2010).

PostDoc Internship at Shell International in Rijswijk, The Netherlands from November 2006 to March 2007. Project: Cool-Water Carbonates - characteristics, controlling factors, spatial and temporal distribution, and reservoir potential.


PhD in Palaeontology at the University of Erlangen, Germany, November 2006.
PhD thesis: Sedimentology, facies and diagenesis of warm-temperate carbonates on a tectonically structured island shelf: key studies from Rhodes, Greece (funded by the German Science Foundation).

Diplom in Geology (M.Sc. equiv.) at Bremen University, Germany, 2000.
Diplom thesis: Fazies- und Diagenesemodell der pleistozänen Tiefwasser-Korallenkalke (St. Paul´s Bay Kalkstein Fazies Gruppe) auf Rhodos, Griechenland (Facies and diagenesis of the deep-water coral limestone (St. Paul’s Bay Limestone Facies Group) from Rhodes, Greece).
Diplom mapping thesis: Geologische Neuaufnahme Blatt ÖK 114 Holzgau, im Gebiet Birkental-Gappenfeldscharte-Nessewängler Edenalpe (Bedrock mapping of the geological map sheet ÖK 114 Holzgau in the region Birkental-Gappenfeldscharte-Nessewängler Edenalpe).

Abitur (High School Diploma equiv.) at the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Darmstadt, Germany, 1993.

Professional trainings

Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate Rocks
(Sediment 2002, University of Frankfurt, Germany) W. Schlager

Sequence Stratigraphy
(AAPG/SEPM Annual Convention 2005, Calgary, Canada)

Carbonate diagenesis with reference to hydrocarbon geology
(2001, University of Heidelberg, Germany) H. Machel

Geobiology on deep-water coral reefs and carbonate mounds
(EURODOM-course 2004, University of Erlangen, Germany) A. Freiwald and J.-P. Henriet

Microfacies analysis of carbonate rocks
(2003, University of Erlangen, Germany) E. Flügel, A. Freiwald, R. Höfling and R. Koch

Trace Fossils
(2001, University of Stuttgart, Germany) R.G. Bromley

Participation on ship cruises

Maria S. Merian cruise MSM127 from Las Palmas to Las Palmas, Canary Islands (18.3. - 20.4.2024)

Pelagia cruise 64PE450 from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay, Namibia (15.2.2019 – 10.03.2019)

Meteor cruise M122 from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay, Namibia (30.12.2015 - 31.01.2016)

AEGAEO cruise KRSE2013/Leg 6, from and to KAUST, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (7.5. -23.5.2013)

Meteor cruise M78/1 from Colon, Panama to Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (22.2. – 28.3.2009)

IODP Expedition 307 from Dublin, Ireland to Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal (27.4. – 16.5.2005)

Meteor cruise M51/3 from Valleta, Malta to Istanbul, Turkey (14.11. – 10.12.2001)

R/V Urania cruise LM99 from Palermo, Italy to Civitavecchia, Italy (27.12.1999 – 10.1.2000)

Other experiences

Co- supervisor of several Diplom, master and bachelor theses, which concentrated on palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and high-resolution oxygen and carbon stable isotope records from bivalves.

Supervisor of field trips to Rhodes and Sicily.

Compositor of the Springer-book: Freiwald, A., Roberts, J.M. (2005): Cold-Water Corals and Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg

Chief organiser of the EuroMARC joint CARBONATE/CHECREEF Workshop: The Geology of Coral-rich Carbonate Systems: from tropical, shallow water to cold, deep-water settings (6. – 8.5. 2008, Sant’ Alessio, Sicily, Italy)

Co-organiser of several congresses and workshops at the University of Erlangen.