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Cold-water corals

Cold-water corals (CWC) occur in all oceans, within all climate zones and down to abyssal water depths. In contrast to their tropical, shallow-water counterparts that host symbiotic zooxanthellae (algae), CWCs do not depend on light. Framework-forming CWCs present biodiversity hotspots with an enhanced biodiversity compared to the adjacent seafloor. Locally these ecosystems form large 3-dimensional structures, so-called CWC mounds, that reach several kilometres in diameter and can reach hundreds of meter in height. Often they occur in clusters, referred to as mound provinces.

My main research interest is the evaluation of the CWC ecosystems as carbonate factory and their role in the global carbonate/carbon cycle. Furthermore, I am interested in the environmental controls and sedimentology of mound aggradation.


Titschack J (ac­cep­ted) Ba­thy­al co­rals wi­t­hin the Ae­ge­an Sea and the ad­ja­cent Hel­le­nic trench. In: Ore­jas C, Jimé­nez C, Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Cold-Wa­ter Co­rals: Past, Pre­sent and Fu­ture, Sprin­ger se­ries: Co­ral Reefs of the World.

Wien­berg C, Titschack J, Frei­wald A, Frank N, Lun­dälv T, Ta­via­ni M, Beuck L, Schrö­der-Ritzrau A, Kren­gel T, Heb­beln D (2018) The gi­ant Mau­ri­ta­ni­an cold-wa­ter co­ral mound pro­vin­ce: Oxy­gen con­trol on co­ral mound for­ma­ti­on. Qua­tern­ary Sci­ence Re­views 185:135-152

Ma­tos L, Wien­berg C, Titschack J, Schmiedl G, Frank N, Ab­ran­tes F, Cun­ha MR, Heb­beln D (2017) Co­ral mound de­ve­lop­ment at the Cam­pe­che cold-wa­ter co­ral pro­vin­ce, sou­thern Gulf of Me­xi­co: Im­pli­ca­ti­ons of Ant­arc­tic In­ter­me­dia­te Wa­ter in­crea­sed in­flu­ence du­ring in­ter­gla­ci­als. Ma­ri­ne Geo­lo­gy 392:53-65

Wien­berg C, Titschack J (2017) Frame­work-For­ming Scle­r­ac­ti­ni­an Cold-Wa­ter Co­rals Through Space and Time: A Late Qua­tern­ary North At­lan­tic Per­spec­tive. In: Ros­si S, Bra­man­ti L, Gori A, Ore­jas C (eds) Ma­ri­ne Ani­mal Fo­rests: The Eco­lo­gy of Bent­hic Bio­di­ver­si­ty Hot­spots. Sprin­ger In­ter­na­tio­nal Pu­blis­hing, Cham, pp699-732

Titschack J, Fink HG, Baum D, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2016) Mediterranean cold-water corals – an important regional carbonate factory? The Depositional Record 2: 74-96.

Matsuyama K, Titschack J, Baum D, Freiwald A (2015) Two new species of erect Bryozoa (Gymnolaemata: Cheilostomata) and the application of non-destructive imaging methods for quantitative taxonomy. Zootaxa 4020: 81-100.

Titschack J, Baum D, De Pol Holz R, Lopéz Correa M, Forster N, Flögel S, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2015) Aggradation and carbonate accumulation of Holocene Norwegian cold-water coral reefs. Sedimentology 62:1873-1898

Wehrmann LM, Titschack J, Böttcher ME, Ferdelman TG (2015) Linking sedimentary sulfur and iron biogeochemistry to growth patterns of a cold-water coral mound in the Porcupine Basin, S.W. Ireland (IODP Expedition 307). Geobiology 13: 424-442.

Eisele M, Frank N, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Mienis F, Beuck L, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Hebbeln D (2014) Sedimentation patterns on a cold-water coral mound off Mauritania. eep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 99: 316-326.

Thierens M, Browning E, Pirlet H, Loutre MF, Dorschel B, Huvenne VAI, Titschack J, Colin C, Foubert A, Wheeler AJ (2013) Cold-water coral carbonate mounds as unique palaeo-archives: the Plio-Pleistocene Challenger Mound record (NE Atlantic). Quaternary Science Reviews 73:14-30.

Thierens M, Pirlet H, Colin C, Latruwe K, Vanhaecke F, Lee J, Stuut J-B, Titschack J, Huvenne V, Dorschel B, Wheeler AJ, Henriet J-P (2012) Ice-rafting from the British-Irish ice sheet since the earliest Pleistocene (2.6 million years ago): implications for long-term mid-latitudinal ice-sheet growth in the North Atlantic region. Quat Sci Rev 44: 229-240.

Frank T, Titschack J, Thierens M (2011) Aragonite loss in a cold-water coral mound: mechanisms and implications. Sedimentology 58: 670-690.

Hübscher C, Dullo C, Flögel S, Titschack J, Schönfeld J (2010) Contourite drift evolution and related coral growth in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and its gateways. Int J Earth Sci 99 (Suppl. 1), 191-206.

Heindel H, Titschack J, Dorschel D, Huvenne VAI, Freiwald A (2010) The sediment composition and predictive mapping of facies on the Propeller Mound — A cold-water coral mound (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic). Cont Shelf Res 30: 1814-1829.

Thierens M, Titschack J, Dorschel B, Huvenne VAI, Wheeler AJ, Stuut J-B, O'Donnell R (2010) The 2.6 Ma depositional sequence from the Challenger cold-water coral carbonate mound (IODP Exp. 307): Sediment contributors and hydrodynamic palaeo-environments. Mar Geol 271: 260-277.

Titschack J, Thierens M, Dorschel B, Schulbert C, Freiwald A, Kano A, Takashima C, Kawagoe N, Li X and the IODP Expedition 307 scientific party (2009) Carbonate Budget of a cold-water coral mound (Challenger Mound, IODP Exp. 307). Mar Geol 259, 36-46.

Kano A, Ferdelman TG, Williams T, Henriet JP, Ishikawa T, Kawagoe N, Takashima C, Kakizaki N, Abe K, Sakai S, Browning EL, Li X, Andres MS, Bjaerger M, Cragg BA, De Mol B, Dorschel B, Foubert A, Frank TD, Fuwa Y, Gaillot P, Gharib JJ, Gregg JM, Huvenne VAI, Léonide P, Mangelsdorf K, Monteys X, Novosel I, O'Donnell R, Rüggeberg A, Samarkin VK, Sasaki S, Spivack AJ, Tanaka A, Titschack J, van Rooij D, Wheeler AJ (2007) Age constraints on the origin and growth history of a deep-water coral mound in NE Atlantic drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition. Geology, 35: 1051-1054.

Noé SU, Titschack J, Freiwald A, Dullo W-Chr (2006) From sediment to rock: formation of hardgrounds in the NE Atlantic. Facies 52: 183-208.

Williams T, Kano A, Ferdelman T, Henriet JP, Abe K, Andres M, Bjerager M, Browning EL, Cragg BA, De Mol B, Dorschel B, Foubert A, Frank TD, Fuwa Y, Gaillot P, Gharib JJ, Gregg JM, Huvenne VAI, Leonide P, Li X, Mangelsdorf K, Tanaka A, Monteys X, Novosel I, Sakai S, Samarkin VA, Sasaki K, Spivak AJ, Takashima C, Titschack J (2006) Cold water coral mounds revealed. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union 87: 525 & 535-536.

Titschack J, Freiwald A (2005) Growth, deposition, and facies of Pleistocene bathyal coral communities from Rhodes, Greece. In: Freiwald, A., Roberts, J.M. (eds) Cold-Water Corals and Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, pp 41-59.