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ROV grade in situ mass spectrometer (ISMS)

Project goal: in situ concentration analysis for e.g. H2, CH4, CO2, O2 at seeps and vents as immediate guidance for sampling during ROV dives


The development of the new in-situ mass spec (ISMS) is a cooperation between MARUM and MPI-MM Bremen (Department of Symbiosis - Prof. N. Dubilier). The system is based on one designed to operate at hydrothermal vents (GirguisLab, Harvard University, US) and is suitable for deep-sea ROV deployments (up to 4000m), mainly from both MARUM ROVs QUEST & SQUID. Future deployments might also include CTD casts and/or an integration into mid- to long-term observatories.

Within this project, the initial setup (hardware components and software architecture) was considerably modified and by this, turning the instrument into a new prototype. The ISMS provides real-time information and guidance for water and sediment sampling during ROV dives. The in-situ MS quantifies dissolved volatiles of masses up to 100. It is suitable for water depths of up to 4000 m and for the analysis of fluids with temperatures up to 350°C. The in-situ MS was initially tested and deployed with MARUM ROV QUEST 4000 during cruises MSM109 and M190 on deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Although the deployments were successful, they highlighted the need for further improvements to make the instrument a powerful analytical tool. The necessary technical improvements were developed in the laboratories of MARUM and MPI-MM and were successfully tested under in-situ conditions during the equipment test cruise MSM125. The data and knowledge acquired during these cruises will be utilised to establish this payload as a standard tool for the MARUM ROVs SQUID and the new QUEST 5000. Additionally, the possibility of using such payloads on a smaller ROV system with a smaller deck footprint, crew, and logistical requirements compared to full-size work-class ROVs, will be highly beneficial to the scientific community.


Tech­nical Spe­cific­a­tions

Physical Properties

  • Weight in Air (kg): 103 kg
  • Weight in SeaWater (kg): 53 kg
  • Overall Dimensions (B x H x T mm): 1200 x 290 x 358
  • Device is pressure isolated (450 bar pressure housing) and needsno hydraulic interfacing

Power Requirements

  • Operating Voltage: 24V
  • Min Voltage: 18V
  • Max Voltage: 36V
  • Operating Current: 3.5A
  • Maximum Current (including startup): 5.5A
  • Power Return(V-) is isolated from Chassis (GND)

Data Requirements

  • Port Required: Ethernet
  • Data Bits: 8
  • Update rate: Continuous
  • Comments: 2x serial via ethernet (using MOXA ethernet converter within ISMS pressure housing)

Underwater Electric Interface Requirements

  • All connectors can be installed (SeaNet and SubCon available)

Topside Requirements

  • Device needs lab (bench) space on ship and Laptop
  • Topside Data Interface is PC-based
  • Topside Data Interface needs TCP/IP
  • Topside Interface is used forcontrol and data retrieval


(RV Maria S Merian)
30.01 - 06.02.2024
Algeciras - Funchal


Gulf of Cadiz
C. Borowski, MPI-MM

(RV Meteor)
08.06 - 10.07.2023
Las Palmas - Algeciras


Mid-Atlantic Ridge
W. Bach, MARUM

(RV Ma­ria S. Me­ri­an)
Trom­sö - Reyk­ja­vik


Kni­po­vich Ridge
North At­lan­tic Oce­an
G. Bohr­mann, MARUM



Jan Kleint


+49 421 218-65747


+49 421 218-65715