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1999 Diploma in Geology at the University of Bremen, Germany
2001 2 month scholarship at the University of Barcelona, Spain: methodological work on X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
2004 PhD at the Department of Geosciences
at the University of Bremen: "Reconstruction of the sedimentary history offshore NW Africa: Application of core-logging tools.".
2004 - 2005 Project-Manager EU Project Paleostudies
2005 - 2016 Assistant Curation and Lab Manager for the ECORD Science Operator (ECORD: European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling)
since 2016 Superintendent of the IODP Bremen Core Repository (BCR)

1999 NEBROC (Netherlands-Bremen-Oceanography-Cooperation):"Introductory Course in Marine Sciences"
2000 NEBROC: Advanced Course: "The Global Carbon Cycle - Present, Past and Future"
2000 NEBROC: Combined Advanced Courses: "Paleoceanography of the Cenozoic" and "Time-series analysis"
2001 ECOLMAS (European Graduate College in Marine Sciences): Advanced Course: "Abrupt climate change" (lecturer)
2004 PROPER (Proxies in Paleoceanography Education and Research): "Proxies used in Paleoceanography: basic and new developments" (lecturer)
2004 HOLIVAR (Holocene Climate Variability): "Quantitative climate reconstructions and data-model comparisons"
2007 ICDP Scientific Drilling Training Course

2000 OCME2 (Oceanography, Climate Research and Marine Ecology): "The Quaternary Sediment Record off West-Africa"
2000 JGOFS-Symposium: (Joint Global Ocean Flux Study): "Biogeochemical Cycles"
2001 MARGINS-meeting, Kiel
2002 EGS (European Geophysical Society), Nice
2004 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon
2004 EuroForum for Scientific Earth Drilling (ICDP/IODP)
2004 EGU (European Geosciences Union), Nice
2004 8th ICP (International Conference on Paleoceanography), Biarritz
2006 EuroForum, Cardiff (IODP)
2007 IODP Topical Symposium, Bremen
2007 International Conference and annual GV meeting
2007 Workshop: Response of North African Ecosystems to abrupt Climate Change, MARUM, Bremen
2009 EGU (European Geosciences Union), Vienna
2009 Workshop: Beyond 2013 - the Future of European Scientific Drilling Research, Vienna
2010 EGU (European Geosciences Union), Vienna

1996 VH 96/1, RV Victor Hensen, Canary Islands
1996 M 37/1, RV Meteor, (CANIGO) Canary Islands
1998 M 41/3+4, RV Meteor, Brazil - Canary Islands
1999 M 44/3, RV Meteor, Red Sea - Eastern Mediterranean
1999 ENAM 99, RV Pelagia, Eastern North Atlantic
2001 POS 272, RV Poseidon, Canary Islands
2004 IODP Exp. 302 Arctic Ocean, Onshore Science Party
2005 M 63/1, RV Meteor, SW Indian Ocean
2005 IODP Exp. 310, DP Hunter, Tahiti, French Polynesia
2008 M 75/2, RV Meteor, SW Indian Ocean
2009 IODP Exp. 313, L/B Kayd, New Jersey, USA
2010 IODP Exp. 325 Great Barrier Reef, Onshore Science Party
2013 IODP Exp. 347, Greatship Manisha, Baltic Sea Basin Paleoenvironment
2015 IODP Exp. 357, RRS James Cook, Atlantis Massif, Atlantic Ocean
2016 IODP Exp. 364, L/B Myrtle, Chicxulub Impact Crater, Gulf of Mexico

2018 IODP Exp. 381, Gulf of Corinth, Onshore Science Party

2024 IODP Exp. 389, Hawaiian Drowned Reefs, Onshore Science Party