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Research Statement

Trained in marine geology, I started my early scientific career in coastal research. My work mainly concentrated on sedimentological and morphodynamic processes impacted by human activities such as the maintenance of shipping routes and the disposal of dredge spoil, as well as on any aspect of coastal zone management.

Since 2005, I changed the focus of my research from the coastal area to the deep sea, where I study ecosystems formed by cold-water corals. Habitat mapping using ROV-video footage allow me to explore the spatial distribution, diversity and vitality of cold-water corals, which are controlled by various environmental conditions, but also to examine the consequences of any human-induced threats to these vulnerable marine ecosystems. Another major focus of my research is to elucidate the long-term development of these deep-sea ecosystems since the late Quaternary, which is steered by climate-induced changes.


In this context, I use a wide array of sedimentological and palaeoceanographic methods to analyse ocean floor sediments, which mainly originate from study sites in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.

Since 2001, I participated in more than 20 expeditions on German and European research vessels, of which I have organised and co-proposed eight cruises. This offered the unique opportunity to work in international and interdisciplinary teams.

Since my research is concerned with marine ecosystems that are still largely unknown to the public, one important aspect of my work is communicating my scientific results via exhibitions, contributions in print/TV and social media, expedition logbooks, and collaborations with local schools. In times of global change, it is of utmost importance to increase the awareness of any kind of ecosystem and to provide knowledge to support the development of sustainable strategies for their protection.

Research Topics

Cold-Water Corals


Coral Mounds

coral mounds






work on sea
Describing MeBo cores on-board RV Maria S. Merian.


An exhibition showing ROV underwater images of deep-sea ecosystems.

Public Talks

Public talk
Public talk about cold-water corals.


Teaching PhD students, how to describe a sediment sample.