Page path:

Besides own Science


  • Geology
  • Scientific Reports
  • Biogeosciences
  • Quaternary Science Reviews
  • Progress in Oceanography
  • Geophysical Research Letters
  • Limnology and Oceanography
  • Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
  • Marine Ecology Progress Series
  • Deep-Sea Research Part I & II
  • The Depositional Record
  • Quaternary Research
  • Plos ONE, Marine Geology
  • Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science
  • Facies, Geo-Marine Letters

Supervisor / Advisor / Lecturer

since 2023

Teresa Ferreira

Megabenthic communities from cold-water coral reefs across the deep Atlantic Ocean

  • PhD-Thesis
  • Co-Supervisor (U Aveiro, Portugal)
since 2022

Luis Greiffenhagen

First At­lantic-wide es­tim­ate of the car­bon(ate) budget of cold-wa­ter coral reef eco­sys­tems to eval­u­ate their po­ten­tially sig­ni­fic­ant role in the global car­bon cycle

  • PhD-Thesis
  • Advisor
  • TCM member

Leonardo Tamborrino

Spatio-temporal distribution of cold-water corals and coral mounds in the SE Atlantic

  • PhD-Thesis
  • Advisor
  • TCM member

Haozhuang Wang

De­ve­lop­ment of cold wa­ter co­ral mounds in the sou­thern Al­bo­ran Sea (Wes­tern Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an Sea) sin­ce the last in­ter­gla­ci­al

  • PhD-Thesis
  • Advisor
  • TCM member

ECORD Summerschool

  • Mapping Coral Mounds by MBES and ROV
  • Core Description: Contourite & Coral Cores
  • Lecture
  • Practical Course
  • Co-Lecturer: G. Eberli

Jana Schröder

ROV video-based facies mapping of cold-water coral ecosystems along the western slope of the Great Bahama Bank (Florida Straits, NW Atlantic)

  • Project Exercise
  • MSc
  • Supervisor

Nadine Rippert

Visualization and analysis (qualitative and quantitative) of cold-water corals with computed tomography (CT) - a key study from the Mauritanian margin (NW-Africa)

  • Project Exercise
  • MSc
  • Supervisor

Lelia Matos

Temporal distribution of cold-water corals in the western North Atlantic through the Late Quaternary

  • PhD-Thesis
  • Advisor
  • TCM member

Hiske Fink

The development of cold-water coral ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea

  • PhD-Thesis
  • Advisor
  • TCM member

Markus Eisele

Long-term development of cold-water coral ecosystems along the NE Atlantic margin

  • PhD-Thesis
  • Advisor
  • TCM member

Thea Bökers

Video-based analysis of the facies distribution and biodiversity at the top of Coral Patch Seamount, NE Atlantic

  • BSc-Thesis
  • 1st Supervisor

Eva Kwoll

Modern tropical carbonate sediments of a knoll struc- ture ("Pee Shoal") in the Vulkan Graben, Timor Sea, Sahul Shelf

  • BSc-Thesis
  • 1st Supervisor

Hiske Fink

Analyse von OFOS Videoaufnahmen zur Fazieskartierung von Schlammvulkanen im Golf von Cádiz, NO-Atlantik

  • Project Exercise
  • MSc
  • Supervisor

James Kwasi Gyasi

Cold-water corals in relation to paleo-bottom currents in the Gulf of Cádiz

  • MSc-Thesis
  • Advisor

Coastal Dynamics

Coastal Zone Management Processes in Estuaries

  • BSc-Lecture
  • Co-Lecturer: D. Hebbeln

Hiske Fink

Klimaabhängige Entwicklung der Korallenfauna im Golf von Cádiz

  • BSc-Thesis
  • Advisor

Sebastian Heidkamp

ROV-basierende Fazies-Kartierung des Franken Mound, W-Rockall Bank, NO-Atlantik

  • MSc-Thesis
  • Advisor

Oceans & sediments: their economic use

Impact of coastal constructions

  • BSc-Lecture
  • Co-Lecturer: D. Hebbeln