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Ongoing teaching activities
> 05-MAG-AS2, “Applied Sedimentology Projects”, Master Applied Geosciences, University of Bremen (since summer 2022)
> 05-MAG-AS1, “River and Coastal Management”, Master Applied Geosciences, University of Bremen (since winter 2021)

Past teaching
> GLOMAR course, "Introduction to Matlab" (March 2021)
> 05-GEO-2-K13-1, “Coastal Processes and Engineering”, Masterstudium Geowis­senschaften, University of Bremen (April - Mai 2018-2021)
> One week intensive course: “Introduction to coastal geomorphology and processes” for the ISATEC master, University of Bremen (May 2011-2020)
> GLOMAR Monthly Research Seminars
> GLOMAR thesis workshops
> GLOMAR Introductory Course to Natural Sciences in the Marine Realm
> Onboard teaching: “SOES 2010: Physical Oceanography II” (February-March 2007, 2008)
> Onboard teaching: “SOES 3040: Fieldwork for exchange student” (July 2006-2008)
> Teaching: “SOES 1003: IT, Communication, Field and Laboratory Skills” (March 2006-2008)