Deep Sea

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MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen (CC-BY 4.0)

Hydrothermal Vents

Black smoker in 2,980 meters of wa­ter on the Mid-At­lantic Ridge
Hy­dro­thermal vents in 860 meters of wa­ter in the Me­nez Gwen Hy­dro­thermal Field south­w­est of the Azores
Li­quid sul­fur seep and car­bon-di­ox­ide bubbles in 1,250 meters of wa­ter in the Bis­marck Sea

The “Can­de­labra” black smoker at a wa­ter depth of 3,300 meters in the Log­atchev Hy­dro­thermal Field on the Mid-At­lantic Ridge
Fauna at a hy­dro­thermal vent in 1,640 meters of wa­ter in the Bis­marck Sea
White smoker at a depth of 1,250 meters in the Bis­marck Sea
Liv­ing com­munity at hy­dro­thermal seeps on the Mid-Ocean Ridge at a wa­ter depth of 3,030 meters
Hy­dro­thermal vents in 860 meters of wa­ter in the Me­nez Gwen Hy­dro­thermal Field south­w­est of the Azores

Cold Seeps

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Gas seep at a depth of 2,860 meters in the Ar­a­bian Sea
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Meth­ane bubbles re­leased at a car­bon­ate chim­ney 260 meters be­low the sur­face of the Black Sea
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Bac­terial mats in the Ar­a­bian Sea, 730 meters be­low the sur­face
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Count­less white crabs and blue mus­sels at a cold seep in the Ar­a­bian Sea at a depth of 1,470 meters
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Beard worms at Am­s­ter­dam Mud Vol­cano in the east­ern Medi­ter­ranean at a depth of 1,800 meters
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Crabs, shrimp and mus­sels in a beard-worm colony at 3,100 meters in the At­lantic off West Africa

Cold-water corals

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Cold-wa­ter cor­als off Ire­land in 720 meters of wa­ter
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Deep-sea crabs on reef-form­ing cold-wa­ter cor­als in 800 meters of wa­ter in the Me­nez Gwen Hy­dro­thermal Field south­w­est of the Azores
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Cold-wa­ter cor­als Dendrophyllia cornigera at a depth of 650 meters in the Medi­ter­ranean Sea
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Cold-wa­ter cor­als in 870 meters of wa­ter in the Me­nez Gwen Hy­dro­thermal Field south­w­est of the Azores
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Nk­homo-benga pea­cock over cold-wa­ter cor­als and yel­low anemones 650 meters be­low the sur­face in the west­ern At­lantic
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Black coral in 290 meters of wa­ter in the Medi­ter­ranean Sea
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Cold-wa­ter cor­als off Ire­land in 750 meters of wa­ter
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Cold-wa­ter cor­als and sea lilies in 550 meters of wa­ter in the west­ern At­lantic


Long-nosed chi­maera in the Ar­a­bian Sea at a depth of 1,975 meters
Pyro­somes: a colony with mil­lions of tu­nic­ates 1,530 meters deep in the east­ern Pa­cifice
Oc­topus at a tube-worm colony in the east­ern Pa­cific at a depth of 400 meters
Venus flytrap sea anemone on a coral mound off Ire­land in 780 meters of wa­ter
Deep-sea me­dusa in the South At­lantic at a depth of 2,900 meters
Deep-sea crab in 700 meters of wa­ter off Ire­land
Angler­fish at a depth of 320 meters in the west­ern Medi­ter­ranean Sea
A school of shrimp 600 meters be­low the sur­face in the Gulf of Cádiz