Cores at BCR

Map of sites at BCR

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(Please zoom into the area of interest and click on a site to obtain its number and additional information, DSDP = green, ODP = yellow, IODP = red). Please click here for polar view in Google Earth.

DSDP Legs at BCR:

2 - Atlantic Transect
3 - Sierra Leone, Rio Grande Rise, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
4 - Brazil B., Vema Fracture Z., Atlantic B., Puerto Rico Tr. (Sites 23-28)
11 - Cat Gap, Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge, Continental Rise, W. Pacific
12 - Labrador B., Rey. Ridge, Iceland B., Rockall Plateau Seamount, NE Atlantic
13 - Mediterranean
14 - West African Continental Rise, Ceara & Demerara Rises
36 - Argentine Basin, Falkland Plateau/SW Atlantic
37 - Deep Drill Valley, near Mid-Atlantic Ridge/Atlantic
38 - Voring, Jan Mayen, Iceland Faeroe: Norway B. - North Sea/Atlantic
39 - Brazil, Argentine B.s; Ceara, Rio Grande R.s; Sao Paulo Pl.; Walvis
40 - Basins: Cape, Angola; Walvis Ridge/Atlantic
41 - Sierra Leone, Cape Verde R.s; Moroccan B.; cont. slope/Span.Sahara
42A - S Balearic, Tyrrhen. Cretan B.s; Menorca, Florence R.s; Messina Abyssal Pl.
42B - Black Sea
43 - Seamounts: Vogel, Nashville Bermuda Rise/ W. Atlantic
44 - Blake Nose, Blake-Bahama Basin/W. Atlantic
44A - Blake-Bahama Basin/W. Atlantic
45 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge/Atlantic
46 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge/Atlantic
47A - Upper-most Rise off Cape Bojador (NW Africa) / E. Atlantic
47B - Iberia Abyssal Plain / E. Atlantic
48 - Passive Martins: Biscay, Rockall Plateau/NE Atlantic
49 - Ridges: Reukjanes, Mid-Atlantic; Cruiser-Irving Seamount
50 - Flank of Agadir Canyon Moroccan Basin/Atlantic
51 - Bermuda Rise/W Atlantic
52 - Bermuda Rise/W Atlantic
53 - Bermuda Rise/W Atlantic
71 - Falkland Plateau, Mid-Atlantic Ridge/S. Atlantic HPC
72 - Brazil Basin, Rio Grande
73 - Mid-Atlantic R., Angola Abyssal Plain, Cape Basin/S. Atlantic Transect HPC K/T
74 - Walvis Ridge Transect/S. Atlantic HPC K/T
75 - Angola Basin, Walvis R. S. Atlantic HPC K/T
76 - NW Atlantic/Blake Outer Ridge/Blake Bahama Basin
78A - Caribbean/Tiburon Rise/west, center & E of Barbados ridge deform. complex
78B - Mid-Atlantic/S. of Kane Fracture Zone-Down Hole measurements
79 - N. Atlantic/Mazagan Plateau & Escarpment, Morocco, Africa
80 - N. Atlantic/Bay of Biscay/Goban Spur/ Pendragon Escarpment
81 - N. Atlantic/Rockall Plateau Hatton-Edoras
82 - N Atlantic/Mid-Atlantic ridge/Pico & Hayes Fracture Zones
93 - Western No. Atlantic
94 - No. Atlantic Transect
95 - W. No. Atlantic

ODP Legs at BCR:

101 - S` Blake Plateau/Straits of Florida/Exuma Sound/Little Bahama Bank
103 - Galicia Plateau Margin/CTBE
104 - Norwegian Sea/Voring Plateau
105 - Labrador Sea/Baffin Bay
106 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge/Kane
107 - Tyrrhenian Sea
108 - Eastern Tropical Atlantic
109 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge/Kane Fracture Zone
110 - Lesser Antilles Northern Barbados
114 - Georgia Basin/Sub Antarctic South Atlantic/Agulhas Ridge
149 - Iberia Abyssal/Plain
150 - New Jersey Continental Slope & Rise
151 - North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways I
152 - East Greenland Margin
153 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge
154 - Ceara Rise
155 - Amazon Fan
156 - North Barbados Ridge
157 - Gran Canaria/Madeira Abyssal Plain
158 - Transatlantic Geotraverse Hydrothermal Mound
159T - Eastern Canary Basin
159 - Cote d'Ivoire - Ghana Transform Margin
160 - Eratosthenes Seamount/Mediterranean Mud Volcanos/Ionian Ridge
161 - Mediterranean Sea/Tyrrhenian Sea/Balearic Sea
162 - North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II
163 - Southeast Greenland Margin
164 - Gas Hydrate Sampling on the Blake Ridge and Carolina Rise
166 - Bahamas Transect
171A - Barbados LWD
171B - Blake Nose
172 - NW Atlantic Sed. Drifts
173 - Iberia
174A - New Jersey Shelf (M. Dufresne)
174B - CORK/Engineering
175 - Benguela
177 - S. Ocean Paleoceanography
207 - Demerara Rise
208 - Walvis Ridge Transect
209 - Mantle Peridotite: Mid-Atlantic Ridge
210 - Newfoundland Half of the Newfoundland-Iberia Transect

IODP Expeditions at BCR:

302 - Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX)
303 - North Atlantic I
304 - Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif I
305 - Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif II
306 - North Atlantic II
307 - Porcupine Basin Carbonate Mounds
313 - New Jersey Shallow Shelf
336 - Mid-Atlantic Ridge Microbiology
339 - Mediterranean Outflow
342 - Paleogene Newfoundland Sediment Drifts
347 - Baltic Sea Basin Paleoenvironment
357 - Atlantis Massif - Serpentinization & Life
381 - Corinth Active Rift Development
382 - Iceberg Alley and Subantarctic Ice and Ocean Dynamics
384 - Engineering Testing
390C, 395E, 390, 393 - South Atlantic Transect
395C - Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate
396 - Mid-Norwegian Margin Magmatism and Paleoclimate Implications
391, 397T - Walvis Ridge Hotspot
397 - Iberian Margin Paleoclimate
398 - Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field
399 - Building Blocks of Life, Atlantis Massif
400 - NW Greenland Glaciated Margin
401 - Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange

Map of geographic distribution of ocean drilling cores at the BCR, GCR, and KCC