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Christian Hilgenfeldt


Marine Geophysics


+49 421 218-65314


+49 421 218-9865314



GEO 1, 4110

Projects and activities


Equipment carrier

Development of a universal multi-equipment carrier for marine industrial use in water depths up to 6.000 meters. Built of non-magnetic fiberglass, designed for use in extreme situations, versatile and extremely rugged. The equipment rack is separable, set up quickly and can be used as versatile and almost on all types of vessels. The default carrier is equipped with an online data communications and telemetry unit, as well as sonar and echo sounder.

EM Profiler

Development of a electromagnetic profiling system for high-resolution in-situ-measurements in marine systems. Design, development and realization of a fully equipped pressure housing (embedded system, network components various power and communication interfaces) with real-time communication link of standard signal transmission cable (armoured coax-cable up to 10.000m).

2G magnetometer

Installation and adaptive advancement of the cryogenic magnetometer 2G ENTERPRISES 755 HR. Programming, visualization and remote monitoring. Implementation of a cooling system (- 20°C) for measuring ice cores. Production of a module for the automatic measurement of the sample range. Installation of a compensation mechanism for the improvement of the zero-field.
Samples placement

Samples placement

Conception, planning and production of an automatic sample placement for the 2G cryogenic magnetometer. Adaptation at an existing measuring system and programming. Scriptfile modules enable autonomous measurements for up to 96 specimens.
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Logging systems

Development of different and universally applicable logger systems for measuring magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity. This makes it possible to perform automated high-resolution core measurements on already opened or on whole cores. Integration of various non-contacting and ring sensors. Programming of the control and evaluation software.


Construction and documentation using a modern CAD system in 2D and 3D technology. Technical drawings and working models, support of entire production process and start-up.
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Developing and testing software to control and monitor measuring processes as well as data acquisition and storage using the graphic programming language LabVIEW (LABoratory Virtual instrument engineering Workbench).
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Main projects

2019 - Technical associate, Marum
2012 - 2018 Technical associate, Project Sediment Dynamics, Marum
2009 - 2012 Technical associate, Project SD2, Marum
2001 - 2009 Technical associate, RCOM C1, University of Bremen
1995 - 2001 Technical associate, SFB 261 A3, University of Bremen

Ship expeditions

2024 SO304 RV Sonne 7 wk Indian ocean
2023 MSM116 RV Merian 6 wk South Atlantic
2020 SO271/2 RV Sonne 2 wk Indian ocean
2019 SO271/2 RV Sonne 2 wk Indian ocean
2019 HE537 RV Heincke 2 wk North Sea
2019 M154/2 RV Meteor 4 wk Atlantic
2018 AL518 RV Alkor 1 wk Baltic Sea
2018 SO260 RV Sonne 3 wk South Atlantic
2017 SO259 RV Sonne 8 wk Indian ocean
2016 AL475 RV Alkor 1 wk Baltic Sea
2015 INDEX RV Pelagia 5 wk Indian ocean
2015 - RV Alkor - Baltic Sea
2014 SO T4 RV Sonne 2 wk North Sea, Norway, Scotland
2014 - Senckenberg - Wilhelmshaven, North Sea
2012 - Macy Gray 4 wk Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
2012 AL395 RV Alkor - Baltic Sea
2011 M84/4b RV Meteor 2 wk Atlantic, NE-Spain
2011 M84/4a RV Meteor 2 wk Atlantic, NE-Spain
2011 - RV Alkor - Baltic Sea
2009 M78/3 RV Meteor 4 wk South Atlantic
2008 - RV Polarfuchs 1 wk Baltic Sea
2008 P366/3 RV Poseidon 3 wk Atlantic, Galician shelf
2007 - RV Arao 2 wk Ria de Vigo
2006 - RV Polarfuchs 1 wk Baltic Sea
2005 - RV Alkor 1 wk Baltic Sea
2004 M63/1 RV Meteor 4 wk Indian ocean
2004 - RV Alko 1 wk Baltic Sea
2003 M58/2b RV Meteor 2 wk South Atlantic
2003 M58/2a RV Meteor 2 wk South Atlantic
2003 M57/1 RV Meteor 2 wk South Atlantic
2000 M46/3 RV Meteor 4 wk South Atlantic
1998 M41/1 RV Meteor 4 wk South Atlantic
1997 M38/2 RV Meteor 4 wk South Atlantic
1996 M34/2 RV Meteor 4 wk South Atlantic
1996 M34/1 RV Meteor 4 wk South Atlantic


Miriam Römer, Martin Blumenberg, Katja Heeschen, Stefan Schloemer, Hendrik Müller, Simon M. Müller, Christian Hilgenfeldt, Udo Barckhausen and Katrin Schwalenberg (2021)
Seafloor methane seepage in the German North Sea, Front. Earth Sci., doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.556329

Müller H., Schwalenberg K., Reeck K., Barckhausen U., Schwarz-Schampera U., Hilgenfeldt C., von Dobeneck T. (2018)
Mapping seafloor massive sulfides with the Golden Eye frequency-domain EM profiler. First Break, 36, 61 - 67

Müller H., Schwalenberg K., Hilgenfeldt C.,von Dobeneck T. (2016)
Mapping Seafloor Massive Sulfides at the Central Indian Ridge with a Novel Central Loop Electromagnetic Profiler. Keynote Speech at the First Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining, Near Surface Geoscience 2016, Barcelona. Extended Abstract, doi: 10.3997/22144609.201602118

Mullender, T. A. T., T. Frederichs, C. Hilgenfeldt, L. V. de Groot, K. Fabian, and M. J. Dekkers (2016)
Automated paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data acquisition with an in-line horizontal ‘‘2G’’ system, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17, 3546–3559, doi:10.1002/2016GC006436.

Baasch B., Müller H., von Dobeneck T., Hilgenfeldt C. (2013)
Reconstruction of Magnetic Susceptibility and Electric Conductivity from Marine Small-loop EMI Data EAGE, 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013, Non-seismic Geophysics, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20131060

Müller H., von Dobeneck T., Hilgenfeldt C., SanFilipo B., Rey D., Rubio B. (2012)
Mapping the magnetic susceptibility and electric conductivity of marine surficial sediments by benthic EM profiling. Geophysics, 77 (1), E43 - E56, doi: 10.1190/GEO2010-0129.1

Rey D., Müller H., Rubio B., von Dobeneck T., Vilas F., Hilgenfeldt C., Bernabeu A., Frederichs T., Fernández S., Mohamed K. (2008)
Using electromagnetic sensors to estimate physical properties and environmental quality of surface sediments in the marine environment. Preliminary results. Geotema, 10 , 652 - 654

Forté, S., von Dobeneck, T., Hamer, K., Heslop, D., Hilgenfeldt, C., Müller, H., Steinbach, A. & Fu, Y. (2005).
An environmental magnetic survey of the Schlei inlet, Baltic Sea. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

Frederichs, T., Hilgenfeldt, C. & K. Fabian (2000)
A modified version of the 2G Cryogenic Magnetometer. Terra Nostra, 2000/10, 41 - 43