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MARUM Center Council

The Center Council is one of the organs of the Research Faculty MARUM. According to its statutes, the Center Council is elected by the General Assembly. The term of office of the members of the Center Council is three years.

The tasks include, for example

  • Planning of the research programme
  • the main principles of the management of appropriations and the provision of advice to the Director in budgetary matters
  • Planning of structured training concepts for young scientists
  • Coordination of MARUM's activities within the framework of national and international cooperation

In addition, the Center Council elects the Board of Directors of MARUM, the spokespersons for the research fields and the Head of the Graduate and Postgraduate Funding Programme.

The following are members of the Center Council

  • eight professors
  • four research associates according to § 5 Abs. 3 Nr. 2 BremHG
  • three employees in technology and administration