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AGU-Award for David De Vleeschouwer

Oct 1, 2020
David De Vleeschouwer aboard the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution. Photo: Bill Crawford, IODP JRSO
David de Vleeschouwer aboard the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution. Photo: Bill Crawford, IODP JRSO

For his significant contributions to paleoceanography and paleoclimatology MARUM’s David De Vleeschouwer is being awarded the Nanne Weber Early Career Award. The award that is granted by the American Geophysical Union (AGU) acknowledges sustained contributions and continued leadership in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology.


“I am deeply pleased to receive this award because it underlines a silent revolution in our understanding of the changeable response of Earth’s System to astronomical insolation forcing (also known as Milankovitch forcing). The paleoclimatic community is well on its way to unravel the interactions and feedback mechanisms between astronomical forcing, climate and carbon cycle from the Precambrian to the present, and I am very honored to be part of this dynamic,” says David De Vleeschouwer.

Named in honor of Dr. Nanne Weber, a leader in paleoclimate modeling and former editor of “Climate of the Past”, this award is presented at the Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology section event during the AGU Fall Meeting.