Dr. Qinzeng Zhu


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Research Interest

Molecular Isotope Biogeochemistry


Since Oct.2015PhD student, MARUM & Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen
Jul.2015Master Thesis in Quaternary Geology: Distribution Patterns and Compound-specific Carbon Isotopic Records of n-Alkanes during the Past 8.2 Ka from Varved Sediments of Maar Lake Twintaung, Myanmar
Sep.2012-Jul.2015M. Sc. Quaternary Geology,Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep.2008-Jul.2012B. Sc. Applied Chemistry,China University of Geosciences (Wu Han)


  • Bar-Or, Itay, Marcus Elvert, Werner Eckert, Ariel Kushmaro, Hanni Vigderovich, Qingzeng Zhu, Eitan Ben-Dov, and Orit Sivan. "Iron-Coupled Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Performed by a Mixed Bacterial-Archaeal Community Based on Poorly Reactive Minerals."Environmental Science & Technology51, no. 21 (2017): 12293-12301.
  • Chu, Guoqiang, Qing Sun, Qingzeng Zhu, Yabing Shan, Wenyu Shang, Yuan Ling, Youliang Su, Manman Xie, Xishen Wang, and Jiaqi Liu. "The role of the Asian winter monsoon in the rapid propagation of abrupt climate changes during the last deglaciation."Quaternary Science Reviews, 177 (2017): 120-129.
  • Zhu QZ, Sun Q, Su ZG, Xie MM, Song JY, Shan YB,Wang N, Chu GQ.(2014) A Soil Water Extraction Method with Accelerated Solvent Extraction Technique for Stable Isotope Analysis. Chin J Anal Chem, 2014, 42(9), 1270–1275.
  • Chu GQ, Sun Q, Xie M , Lin Y, Shang W, Zhu Q, Shan Y,Xu D, Rioual P, Wang L, Liu J,(2014)Holocene cyclic climatic variations and the role of the Pacific Ocean as recorded in varved sediments from northeastern China.Quaternary Science Reviews, 102:85-95.