Wei, Jiangong

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1. Jiangong Wei, Gerhard Bohrmann, Nabil Sultan, Tobias Himmler, Thomas Pape, Bernard Dennielou, Livio Ruffine, Sebastien Garziglia, and the GUINECO-MeBo shipboard scientific party: 'Distribution of gas hydrates in submarine pockmark deposits of the Nigerian margin inferred from infrared thermal core scanning: Processes and Products'. 24-28 September 2012. Hamburg, Germany

2. Thomas Pape, Gerhard Bohrmann, Nabil Sultan, Livio Ruffine, Jiangong Wei, Tobias Himmler and the GUINECO-MeBo shipboard scientific party: 'Pockmark-associated gas hydrates on the Nigerian continental slope'. 24-28 September 2012. Hamburg, Germany

Curriculum vitae

10/2010 - now PhD at the MARUM, China Scholarship Council (CSC)
09/2007 - 10/2010 Studies of Geo-engineering, Ocean University of China (OUC)
07/2003 - 07/2007 Studies of Environmental Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology(QUST)


R/V Dongfanghong-2
908-01-DX19: East China Sea, multibeam, bathymetry investigation
02/2011 - 04/2011
R/V Meteor
M84/2: Black sea, gas hydrate, seabed fluid flow, cold seeps, mud volcanoes
11/2011 - 12/2011
GUINECO - MeBo: Gulf of Guinea, gas hydrate, pockmarks, seabed fluid flow
R/V Sonne
SO222a: Kumano Basin off Southern Japan, mud volcanoes, gas hydrate, fluid flow
R/V Polarstern
ANT XXIX/4: Scotia Sea,hydrothermal vents, cold seep venting