Wardana, Adhitya Kusuma

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PhD Project

The Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) is part of the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP) and characterized by sea surface temperatures (SSTs) greater than 28 ° C. A number of studies have been carried out on rainfall variability of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). A recent study combining proxy data and modeling approach from the Southern WPWP thus provides robust evidence on the hydroclimate condition in the region. The δD wax record demonstrates a shift from the condition during the load deglaciation to weather condition during the holocene.

Expansion of the region of maximum SSTs (> 28 ° C) of the WPWP may have major consequences on the regional and global hydroclimate. This expansion is probably driven by stronger trade winds due to Niña's events and warming in the western Pacific. The expansion of the WPWP may have strengthened the Walker circulation over the region leading to increased convective activity and rainfall. The position of the ITCZ ​​may have been postponed following this expansion.

Towards a better understanding of the role of the WPWP on rainfall variability in the region itself and on the EAM, the objectives of this PhD thesis are as follows:

  • Investigate the long-term variability (millennial to sub-orbital timescales) of rainfall over the WPWP by analyzing a sediment core (GeoB 17405-3) collected from the northern and southern boundaries of the WPWP. Thesis core (Leaf wax δ 13 C, C 3 / C 4 vegetation) wants to make rainfall changes to the expansions / reductions of the warm pool.
  • Investigate the effect of variations in the size and intensity (Leaf wax .DELTA.d wax / .DELTA.d P warm) of the pool region on the hydro-climate of the SEAM region by studying sediment core (GeoB 16602) collected off the Pearl River mouth in the South China Sea, Variations circulations in the size and intensity of the warm pool region have been hypothesized to affect the Walker and Hadley (eg, Herbert et al., 2010). The temperature and rainfall records from the two sediment cores will enable us to make changes to the hot pool region and its influence on monsoon rainfall.

Accordingly, we hypothesize that a northward expansion of the WPWP should have affected the hydroclimate of the EAM region by increasing rainfall. GeoB 16602 located in the Pearl River Mouth should be robustly record this signature. Thus, by reconstructing past rainfall variability from the WPWP and EAM region we can examine the role of the WPWP in determining the hydroclimate of the SEAM region.

Curriculum viate

Since 2017 Ph.D. student at MARUM-University of Bremen in the Marine Sedimentology group
Since 2013 Junior Researcher - Research Center for Oceanography
Indonesia Institute of Sciences (P2O-LIPI)
2010 - 2013 Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
M.Sc - Master of Coastal Resource Management
2011 - 2012 University of Brest, Brest - France
M.Sc - Master of Marine Science
2004 - 2009 Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
S.Kel (B.Sc.) -Bachelor of Marine Science

Research Experience

July 2015 & October 2016

RV Baruna Jaya 8 Cruise Circulation And Ecosystem Study The Indonesian Seas Under The Influence of Western Pacific Variability Joins Research RCO LIPI and IOCAS

March 2015 - October 2016 Scientific Diver for Coral Reef Rehabilitation Monitoring Project - Phase III
August 2013- September 2013 SpAgS (Spawning Aggregation Site) Identification
in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia- WWF Indonesia and Reefcheck Indonesia
January 2012 - May 2012 Sclerochronological investigations on ecology and life-history traits of a tropical reef gastropod from the Pacific Ocean, Trochus niloticus. (Master thesis)
September 2010 - January 2011 The new method of coral transplantation
October 2008 - March 2009 Effect of substrate material and placement to coral juvenile settlement. (Bachelor Thesis)
August - September 2008 Effect of heavy metals to Zooxanthela from Porites.Sp

Honor and Awards

2017-2020 Riset Pro Scholarship for Ph.D Program. Ministry of Research and Higher Education of Indonesia
2011 - 2012 French Government Scholarship Award (BGF) for Master program funding from French
2010 - 2012 Superior Scholarship Award (Beasiswa Unggulan) for Master's Double Degree Program
Funding from Planning Bureau for Foreign Cooperation (BPKLN), Ministry of National
August 2007 Tropical Marine Invertebrates short course scholarship award for Great Barrier Reef Special
Program, Center for Marine Studies, University of Queensland - Australia


Yuan, D., X. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Li, J. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Hu, S. Tan, H. Zhou, A.
Wardana, D. Surinati, A. Purwandana, M. Ismail, P. Avianto, D. Dirhamsyah, Z.
Arifin, and J. von Storch, 2018: Observed transport variations in the Maluku
Channel of the Indonesian Seas associated with western boundary current
changes. J. Phys. Oceanogr. doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0120.1