
  1. Meteor-Cruise 60 (NE-Atlantic, Mar-Apr 1982)

  2. DSDP-Leg 90 (SW-Pacific, Nov 82-Jan 1983)

  3. ODP-Leg 105 (Baffin Bay, Labrador Sea; Aug-Oct 1985)

  4. ODP-Leg 108 (NE Atlantic; Feb-Mar 1986)

  5. ODP-Leg 128 (Japan Sea, Aug-Oct 1989)

  6. Polarstern-Cruise ARK-VIII/3 (Central Arctic, Aug-Oct 1991)

  7. ODP-Leg 151 (Arctic Gateways, Aug-Oct 1993)

  8. Polarstern-Cruise ARK-X/2 (East Greenland Continental Margin, Aug-Oct 1994)

  9. Polarstern-Cruise ARK-XI/1 (Kara/Laptev Sea and adjacent continental margin)

  10. ACSYS-Expedition (Swedish Icebreaker Oden; Central Arctic Ocean, Jul-Sep 1996)

  11. Polarstern-Cruise ARK-XIII/2 (Yermak Plateau, Jun-Aug 1997; Chief-scientist)

  12. Polarstern-Cruise ARK-XIV/1a (Alpha Ridge, Lomonosov Ridge; Aug-Sep 1998)

  13. Akademik Boris Petrov Cruise 1999 (Kara Sea, Aug-Sep; Co-chief-scientist)

  14. Akademik Boris Petrov Cruise 2000 (Kara Sea, Aug-Sep; Co-chief-scientist)

  15. Akademik Boris Petrov Cruise 2001 (Kara Sea, Aug-Sep; Co-chief-scientist)

  16. Polarstern-Cruise ARK-XX/3 (Yermak Plateau, Sep-Oct 2004; Chief-scientist)

  17. IODP-Leg 302 (Lomonosov Ridge, Aug 2004; Member of Science Party)

  18. IODP-Leg 306 (North Atlantic Paleoceanography, Mar-Apr 2005; Co-chief scientist)

  19. Polarstern-Cruise ARK-XXIII/3 (Mendeleev Ridge/East Sib. Sea, Aug-Oct 2008)

  20. Merian-Cruise MSM 12/2 (Eirik Drift/Labrador Sea, Jun-Jul 2009)

  21. Araon (Test) Cruise (Japan Sea, June 2011)

  22. Polarstern-Cruise PS87 (Lomonosov Ridge, Aug-Oct 2014; Chief scientist)

  23. Polarstern-Cruise PS93.1 (Fram Strait, Jun-Jul 2015; Chief scientist)

  24. Polarstern-Cruise PS115 (Lomonosov Ridge, Aug-Oct 2018; chief scientist)

  25. IODP-Expedition 377 (Lomonosov Ridge, Aug-Sep2022; Co-chief scientist)

IODP 302
IODP 306