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Dr. Markus Raitzsch

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Research interests

Ocean carbon cycle. I am interested in the ocean carbon cycle and its interaction with atmospheric CO2, particularly during deep-time climate changes such as the mid-Miocene Climate Transition, where direct evidence for CO2 concentrations (i.e. ice cores) is lacking. Here, I apply different proxy approaches using the geochemical signature in planktic and benthic foraminifera (e.g., B/Ca, Mg/Ca, δ11B) to constrain the evolution of surface- and deep-water carbonate system parameters.

ICP-MS. For my geochemical work, it is crucial to conduct measurements rigorously and thoroughly. Hence, I always seek to improve the methods for both wet-chemical and laser ablation ICP-MS analyses, and for the preceding sample preparation. My focus lies in the measurement of boron isotopes in biogenic carbonates using a multicollector ICP-MS.

Programming. If lots of raw data need to be passed through the same processing over and over again, it is advisable to write little helpful programs that do the job for you. My hobby is developing VBA macros and R scripts that facilitate data processing, handling and wrangling. My most recent achievement is seacarbx, a seacarb extension, which accounts for the effect of seawater [Ca2+] and [Mg2+] on the equilibrium constants of carbonic and boric acids. This is very helpful for deep-time carbonate system reconstructions, or for culturing studies carried out in seawater with modified [Ca] and/or [Mg].

Browse my portfolio website for more R applications.


2019 – present MARUM, University of Bremen: DFG project («Eigene Stelle») with Prof. Heiko Pälike

2019 AWI: Isotope lab work (50%) and Program Management (50%)

2017 – 2019 LU Hannover, Institut für Mineralogie: with PD Dr. Ingo Horn

2016 – 2017 AWI: with Prof. Jelle Bijma

2014 – 2016 MARUM, University of Bremen: DFG project («Eigene Stelle») with Prof. Michal Kučera
Parental leave from 09/2014 through 11/2014 and 06/2015 through 09/2015

2011 – 2014 AWI: with Prof. Jelle Bijma
Parental leave from 04/2012 through 05/2012

2011 University of Bremen: with Prof. Michael Schulz

2009 – 2010 LDEO, Columbia University (USA): with Prof. Bärbel Hönisch

2008 – 2009 MARUM: with Dr. Torsten Bickert

2007 – 2008 Utrecht University (the Netherlands): with Prof. Gert-Jan Reichart

2005 – 2008 MARUM, University of Bremen: PhD studies with Prof. Gerold Wefer / Dr. Torsten Bickert

1995 – 2004 FU Berlin: Studies of Geology and Paleontology (Diplom)


Raitzsch, M., Bijma, J., Bickert, T., Schulz, M., Holbourn, A., and Kučera, M. (2021): Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations across the middle Miocene climate transition. – Climate of the Past, 17(2): 703-719, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-17-703-2021.

Raitzsch, M., Hain, M., Henehan, M, and Gattuso, J.-P. (2021): seacarbx - seacarb extension for deep-time carbonate system calculations. – Zenodo, http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4432146.

van Dijk, I., Raitzsch, M., Brummer, G.-J. A., and Bijma, J. (2020): Novel method to image and quantify cogwheel structures in foraminiferal shells. – Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2020.567231.

Raitzsch, M., Rollion-Bard, C., Horn, I., Steinhoefel, G., Benthien, A., Richter, K.-U., Buisson, M., Louvat, P., and Bijma, J. (2020): Technical note: Single-shell δ11B analysis of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi using femtosecond laser ablation MC-ICPMS and secondary ion mass spectrometry. – Biogeosciences, 17(21): 5365-5375, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-5365-2020.

Zamelczyk, K., Rasmussen, T. L., Raitzsch, M., and Chierici, M. (2020): The last two millennia: climate, ocean circulation and paleoproductivity inferred from planktic foraminifera, southwestern Svalbard margin. – Polar Research, 39, https://doi.org/10.33265/polar.v39.3715.

Raitzsch, M. and Gattuso, J.-P. (2020): ScarFace - seacarb calculations with R Shiny user interface. – Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3662139.

Tyszka, J., Bickmeyer, U., Raitzsch, M., Bijma, J., Höher, N., Topa, P., Kaczmarek, K., and Mewes, A. (2019): Form and function of F-actin during biomineralization revealed from live experiments on foraminifera. – PNAS, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1810394116.

Raitzsch, M; Bijma, J., Benthien, A., Richter, K.-U., Steinhoefel, G., and Kučera, M. (2018): Boron isotope-based seasonal paleo-pH reconstruction for the Southeast Atlantic – A multispecies approach using habitat preference of planktonic foraminifera. – Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 487: 138-150, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.002.

Nakajima, K., Suzuki, M., Nagai, Y., Oaki, Y., Toyofuku, T., Bijma, J., Nehrke, G., Raitzsch, M., Tani, K., and Imai, H. (2017): Hierarchical textures on aragonitic shells of the hyaline radial foraminifer Hoeglundina elegans. – CrystEngComm, 19(47): 7191-7196, https://doi.org/10.1039/c7ce01870c.

Howes, E.L., Kaczmarek, K., Raitzsch, M., Mewes, A., Bijma, N., Horn, I., Misra, S., Gattuso, G.-P., and Bijma, J. (2017): Decoupled carbonate chemistry controls on the incorporation of boron into Orbulina universa. – Biogeosciences, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-415-2017.

Wollenburg, J., Raitzsch, M., and Tiedemann, R. (2015): Novel high pressure culture experiments on deep-sea benthic foraminifera – Evidence for methane seepage-related δ13C of Cibicides wuellerstorfi. – Marine Micropaleontology, 117: 47-64, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2015.04.003.

Milker, Y., Rachmayani, R., Weinkauf, M.F.G., Prange, M., Raitzsch, M., Schulz, M., and Kučera, M. (2015): Global Synthesis of Sea-Surface Temperature Trends During Marine Isotope Stage 11. – In M. Schulz and A. Paul (eds.): Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC), SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences, 139 pp, ISBN 978-3-319-00692-5.

Raitzsch, M. and Hönisch, B. (2013): Cenozoic boron isotope variations in benthic foraminifers. – Geology, 41(5): 591-594, https://doi.org/10.1130/G34031.1.

Milker, Y., Rachmayani, R., Weinkauf, M., Prange, M., Raitzsch, M., Schulz,M., and Kučera, M. (2013): Global and regional sea surface temperature trends during Marine Isotope Stage 11. – Climate of the Past, 9(5): 2231-2252, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-9-2231-2013.

Raitzsch, M., Hathorne, E.C., Kuhnert, H., Groeneveld, J., and Bickert, T. (2011): Modern and Late Pleistocene B/Ca ratios of the benthic foraminifer Planulina wuellerstorfi determined with laser ablation ICP-MS. – Geology, 39(11): 1039-1042, https://doi.org/10.1130/G32009.1.

Dueñas-Bohórquez, A., Raitzsch, M., De Nooijer, L.J., and Reichart, G.-J. (2011): Independent impacts of calcium and carbonate ion concentration on Mg and Sr incorporation in cultured benthic foraminifera. – Marine Micropalentology, 81(3-4): 122-130, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2011.08.002.

Raitzsch, M., Kuhnert, H., Hathorne, E.C., Groeneveld, J., and Bickert, T. (2011): U/Ca in benthic foraminifers: A proxy for the deep-sea carbonate saturation. – Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12(6), Q06019, https://doi.org/10.1029/2010GC003344.

van Raden, U.J., Groeneveld, J., Raitzsch, M., and Kučera, M. (2011): Mg/Ca in the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia inflata and Globigerinoides bulloides from Western Mediterranean plankton tow and core top samples. – Marine Micropaleontology, 78(3-4): 101-112, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marmicro.2010.11.002.

Heubeck, C., Raitzsch, M., Völker, D., and Wiedicke-Hombach, M. (2010): Sedimentación. – In J. Díaz-Naveas and J. Frutos (eds.): Geología Marina de Chile. – Comité Oceanográfico Nacional de Chile - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso - Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería de Chile, 117 pp, ISBN 978-956-235-026-6.

Raitzsch, M., Dueñas-Bohórquez, A., Reichart, G.-J., De Nooijer, L.J., and Bickert, T. (2010): Incorporation of Mg and Sr in calcite of cultured benthic foraminifera: impact of calcium concentration and associated calcite saturation state. – Biogeosciences, 7: 869-881, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-7-869-2010.

Raitzsch, M., Kuhnert, H., Groeneveld, J., and Bickert, T. (2008): Benthic foraminifer Mg/Ca anomalies in South Atlantic core top sediments and their implications for paleothermometry. – Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 9(5), Q05010, https://doi.org/10.1029/2007GC001788.

Raitzsch, M., Völker, D., and Heubeck, C. (2007): Neogene sedimentary and mass-wasting processes on the continental margin off south-central Chile inferred from dredge samples. – Marine Geology, 244(1-4): 166-183, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2007.06.007.


Raitzsch, M. (2008): Mg/Ca, B/Ca and U/Ca in shells of benthic foraminifers: Tracers of temperature and seawater carbonate chemistry. – PhD thesis. Universität Bremen, FB Geowissenschaften, available from http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-diss000112160.

Raitzsch, M. (2004): Untersuchung subrezenter Sedimentations- und Akkretionsprozesse am aktiven Kontinentalrand des südlichen Zentralchile (36°–40°S) anhand von Dredgeproben (SO161-5). – Diploma thesis. Freie Universität Berlin, FR Geologie, 114 pp.

Raitzsch, M. (2004): Diplomkartierung in den Corbières Orientales (Dept. Aude/Frankreich). – Diploma mapping. Freie Universität Berlin, FR Geologie, 63 pp.