Nandini, Sri

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My research experiences span the Woods hole Institute (Boston), University of Hawaii, IRD and SPC (New Caledonia), CNRS/CLS (Toulouse), NCAR (Colorado), CSIRO (Tasmania), AWI (Germany) and University of Reading (England). My 10 years of global career exposure in climate change & modelling expertise (Fiji, USA, Australia, England, Germany, France & New Caledonia) has endowed me with great potential for outstanding international career collaborations.

Interests: biogeochemistry, fisheries, marine ecosystems, oceanography, Ashtanga & Hatha Yoga (teacher) and SCUBA (Rescue) diver.

PhD project:

I am an Early Stage Marie-Curie Researcher (ITN_PRIDE) doing my PhD in the form of a Research Scientist in Climate Modelling at the University of Bremen, Germany.

Current project:

The major goal of my PhD project is to investigate the late Pleistocene to future (end of 21st century) hydroclimate variations in the Caspian catchment region with the use of the coupled Community Earth System Model (CESM1.2.2).

  • The goal of the first manuscript is to examine the influence of the major winter North Atlantic atmospheric teleconnection patterns, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the East Atlantic pattern (EA) and the Scandinavian pattern (SCA) on the Caspian hydroclimate variability from 1850-2100 CE. Five simulations at different atmospheric grid resolutions (2° and 1°) and atmospheric model versions (CAM4 and CAM5) are carried out with the CESM1.2.2.
  • The goal of the second manuscript is to investigate the impact of different Caspian Sea (CS) surface areas on regional precipitation, evaporation and large scale circulation. The CESM1.2.2 model is used to simulate four scenarios on seasonal and annual basis with three CS surface areas (big, small, current and no Caspian) for pre-industrial conditions.
  • The goal of the third manuscript is to analyze and discuss the impacts of the late Pleistocene to Holocene climate states on the hydroclimate (precipitation minus evaporation; P-E) of the CS basin. 2.2 simulations for the Last Interglacial (127 ka before present), Marine Isotope Stage 3 (35 ka) (stadial and interstadial states), the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (21 ka), Heinrich Event 1 (15.2 ka), the early Holocene (9 ka) are carried out.

The above time slices correspond to geologic timespans of paleo-lake level reconstructions which hypothesize that fluctuations in ancient Caspian Sea level high and low stands were driven by changes in P-E. Hence, our modelled results may help interpret these reconstructions with respect to the role of changes in P-E.

Thesis committee:
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz University of Bremen
Dr. Mathias Prange University of Bremen