Dr. Susan Mau

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Die Fachgebiete der physikalischen und chemischen Ozeanographie, der mikrobiellen Ökologie und Meeresgeologie bilden das Grundgerüst meiner wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten. Damit untersuche ich den marinen Methankreislauf. Zu meinen Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören: Auswirkungen von Meeresströmungen auf die Methanverteilung und die mikrobielle Oxidation von Methan, zeitliche Einschränkungen von Methananreicherungen und des mikrobiellen Abbaus von Methan, Quantifizierung mikrobieller Methanumsätze im Meer (u.a. mit Hilfe von Transport-Reaktionsmodellen) sowie Labor- und Feldstudien, um Techniken zur Bestimmung der mikrobiellen Umsatzraten des Gases zu evaluieren. Eines meiner wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Ziele ist es, die Entstehung und den Abbau von Methan in der Wassersäule und den Oberflächensedimenten mithilfe dieses integrierten Ansatzes zu verstehen und das Wissen anzuwenden, um Änderungen des atmosphärischen Methangehalts in der Erdgeschichte zu verstehen.

Curriculum Vitae

Research and Work Experience
05/2013 – presentPostdoctoral Fellow, University Bremen
Research Group: Prof. Dr. G. Bohrmann
DFG Project 'Limitations of marine methane oxidation'
09/2012 – 04/2013Postdoctoral Fellow, Alfred Wegener Institut, Bremerhaven
Research Group: Prof. Dr. M. Schlüter
Investigation of methane oxidation in the Arctic
01/2011 – 08/2012Postdoctoral Fellow, MPI for Marine Microbiology, Bremen
Research Group: Dr. D. de Beer
Investigated effect of ocean acidification on benthic microorganism using a 1D reaction-transport model for calcifying phototrophic biofilms
05/2009 – 12/2010Marie Curie Fellow, MPI for Marine Microbiology, Bremen
Research Group: Prof. Dr. A. Boetius
Estimated dissolved methane budget in down-current plume from Coal Oil Point (COP) seep field offshore Santa Barbara
Participated on SEEP’s 2009 cruise to investigate further the extension of COP plume
Organize studies for comparison with COP-data
05/2006 – 04/2009Marie Curie Fellow, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Research Group: Prof. Dr. D. L. Valentine
Synthesized high purity 14C-methane involving growth of Methanobacterium thermotrophicum strain ΔH
Set up techniques to measure methane oxidation rates using 3H labeled methane and 14C labeled methane
Conducted 3H-methane and 14C-methane rate measurements in the field
Utilized GCCIRMS for C-isotopic characterization
Correlated CH4 concentrations and oxidation rate measurements with oceanographic patterns
Estimated sea-air gas transfer of CH4, C2H6, C3H8 over COP-plume area
01/2005 – 04/2005
12/2005 – 04/2006
Postdoctoral Fellow, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel
Post-processed Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data
11/2001 – 12/2004Ph.D. Student, IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel
Advisor: Prof. Dr. E. Suess, Prof. Dr. G. Rehder
Dissertation: “Methane output from cold seep structures along the Central American continental margin”
Participated on cruises offshore Nicaragua and Costa Rica
Acquired knowledge of different geochemical analytical techniques and deployed current meters/ADCP
Calculated the amount of CH4 discharging from different seep sites Identified fate of CH4 in the water column based on C-isotopic analyses
10/2000 – 10/2001Graduate Student (Diplom), TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Advisor: Prof. Dr. P. Herzig, Dr. T. Kuhn
Thesis: “Mineralogy, geochemistry and sulfur-isotopic characteristics of sulfide and sulfate precipitates of the submarine Grimsey hydrothermal field, Island”
Investigated the source and genesis of hydrothermal precipitates from the Grimsey hydrothermal field using different geochemical and isotopic analyses
Investigated hydrothermal alteration of sediments
02/1998 – 02/19991 year Study Abroad Student (coursework as for B.S.)
Flinders University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Field: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Oceanography, English
Research grants
DFG project incl. own positionMA 3961/2-1
Marie Curie Outgoing International FellowshipMOIF-CT-2006-021604
List of Research Cruises
03/2013 – 04/1013Polarstern cruise ANT XXIX to South Sandwhich Islands, R/V Polarstern
08/2010Heincke cruise 333 to Spitzbergen, R/V Heincke
09/2009SEEP’s 2009 cruise ‘Microbial Geochemistry of Natural Marine Gas Seeps’ offshore California, R/V Atlantis
05/2006 – 06/2008numerous cruises with boats maintained by Marine Operations at University of California, Santa Barabra
03/2007‘Plumes and Blooms’, R/V Shearwater
09/2003SO173/3 cruise ‘Subduction II’, R/V Sonne
08/2002 – 09/2002M54/2+3 cruise ‘Fluids and Subduction Costa Rica 2002, R/V Meteor
03/2002 – 04/2002SO163 cruise ‘Subduction I’, R/V Sonne


  • Mau S., J. Blees, E. Helmke, H. Niemann, and E. Damm (2013) Different methanotrophic potentials in stratified polar fjord waters (Storfjorden, Spitsbergen) identified by using a combination of methane oxidation techniques, Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 6461-6491
  • Mau S., G. Rehder, H. Sahling, T. Schleicher and P. Linke (2012) Seepage of methane at Jaco Scar, a slide caused by seamount subduction offshore Costa Rica, International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0822-z
  • Heintz M., S. Mau and D. L. Valentine (2012) Oceanographic Control on Methanotrophic Potential in the Satna Monica Basin, Southern CA Borderland, Limnology and Oceanography, Volume 57(2), 420-432. doi:10.4319/lo.2012.57.2.0420
  • Mau S., M. B. Heintz, D. L. Valentine (2012), Quantification of CH4 loss and transport in dissolved plumes of the Santa Barbara Channel, California, Continental Shelf Research. Volume 32, 110-120, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2011.10.016
  • Mau S., M. B. Heintz, F. S. Kinnaman, D. L. Valentine (2010) Compositional variability and air-sea flux of ethane and propane in the plume of a large, marine seep field near Coal Oil Point, CA., Geo-Marine Letters, Volume 30, Numbers 3-4, 367-378, doi: 10.1007/s00367-010-0185-z
  • Mau S., D. L. Valentine, J. F. Clark, J. Reed, R. Camilli, L. Washburn (2007b), Dissolved methane distributions and air-sea flux in the plume of a massive seep field, Coal Oil Point, California, Geophys. Res. Lett., Volume 34, L22603, doi:10.1029/2007GL031344
  • Mau, S., G. Rehder, I. G. Arroyo, J. Gossler, and E. Suess (2007a), Indications of a link between seismotectonics and CH4 release from seeps off Costa Rica, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 8, Q04003, doi:10.1029/2006GC001326
  • Mau, S., H. Sahling, G. Rehder, E. Suess, P. Linke, E. Soeding (2006), Estimates of methane output from mud extrusions at the erosive convergent margin off Costa Rica, Marine Geology, Volume 225, Issues 1-4, Pages 129-144
  • Schmidt, M., C. Hensen, T. Mörz, C. Müller, I. Grevemeyer, K. Wallmann, S. Mau, N. Kaul (2005), Methane hydrate accumulation in “Mound 11” mud volcano, Costa Rica forearc, Marine Geology, Volume 216, Issues 1-2, Pages 83-100