Löb, Jonas

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PhD pro­ject:

In­ternal wave en­ergy fluxes

Low mode in­ternal waves in the ocean are gen­er­ated by in­ter­ac­tion between tidal flow and bot­tom to­po­graphy and by the wind field in the near-in­er­tial range. They have wavelengths in the range of a few tens to about 100 to 200 kilo­met­ers and are able to travel basin-wide be­fore they break and hence con­trib­ute to dis­sip­a­tion and mix­ing in re­gions far away from the gen­er­a­tion sites. Low mode in­ternal waves are cru­cial for in­terior mix­ing and for the oceanic en­ergy path­ways, since they pos­sess a large por­tion of the kin­etic en­ergy of the en­tire in­ternal wave field.

The aim of this study is to quantify the gen­er­a­tion and propaga­tion of in­ternal waves in the global ocean, for this pur­pose I will build up a global data­base of his­tor­ical re­cords of moored cur­rent meters with the aim to ex­pand the num­ber of time series com­pared to earlier ef­forts, ana­lyze time series of low mode in­ternal wave en­ergy fluxes and re­late them to the gen­er­a­tion of in­ternal waves by wind and tides. Ad­di­tion­ally, I will par­ti­cip­ate in re­search cruises and will ana­lyze new cur­rent meter data to ana­lyze the tem­poral vari­ab­il­ity of low mode in­ternal wave en­ergy fluxes.

This Pro­ject is part of TRR181 „En­ergy trans­fers in At­mo­sphere and Ocean” (W2 low mode waves) and there­fore closely con­nec­ted to other parts of the TRR181 pro­ject.

Curriculum vitae

  • Since Feb. 2017, Ph.D. student at MARUM-University of Bremen at the Department of Oceanography in the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP)
  • 2016, M.Sc. in Marine Environmental Sciences at University Oldenburg
  • 2012, B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences at University Oldenburg
  • 2011, Scientific Diver



  • Jonas Löb, Janna Köhler, Zuhua Li, Christian Mertens, Monika Rhein, Jin-Song von Storch, Zhongxian Zhao. Global distribution of low mode internal wave energy fluxes. Poster presented at: 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018 Feb 11-16; Portland, Oregon, USA
  • Jonas Löb, Christian Mertens, Janna Köhler, Maren Walter, Jin-Song von Storch, Zuhua Li, Monika Rhein. Observations and Models of Low Mode Internal Waves in the Ocean. Poster presented at: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017; 2017 Apr 23-28; Vienna, Austria

Fieldwork (cruises)

  • June 2012 – 24. July 2012 RV Maria S. Merian (Germany) MSM21/2, subpolar North Atlantic
  • May 2013 – 20. June 2013 RV Maria S. Merian (Germany) MSM28, subpolar North Atlantic
  • July 2017 – 18. August 2017 RV Poseidon (Germany) POS516, Azores
  • 02. – 23. May 2018 RV Poseidon (Germany) POS523, Azores