Kwiatkowski, Cornelia

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07.2014 - 09.2015Elternzeit
Seit 07.2012Doktorandin am Marum - Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften
10.2010 - 06.2012MSc Marine Geowissenschaften an den Universitäten Bremen und Utrecht
Masterarbeit: 'Reconstruction of the Holocene centennial to millenial variability of thermocline conditions off West-Sumatra using planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca'
10.2007 - 09.2010BSc Geowissenschaften an der Universität Bremen
Bachelorarbeit: 'Holocene mixed-layer dynamics in the northern South China Sea: Implications for the East Asian winter monsoon development'


Poliakova, A., Zonneveld, K., Herbeck, L., Jennerjahn, T., Permana, H., Kwiatkowski, C., Behling, H.: High-resolution multiproxy reconstruction of environmental changes in coastal waters of the Java Sea, Indonesia, during the late Holocene. Palynology, published online, 2016.

Matos, L., Mienis, F., Wienberg, C., Frank, N., Kwiatkowski, C., Groeneveld, J., Thil, F., Abrantes, F., Cunha, M.R., Hebbeln, D.: Interglacial occurrence of cold-water corals off Cape Lookout (NW Atlantic): first evidence of the Gulf Stream influence. Deep-Sea Research Part 1, Vol. 105, 158-170, 2015.

Kwiatkowski, C., Prange, M., Varma, V., Steinke, S., Hebbeln, D., Mohtadi, M.: Holocene variations of thermocline conditions in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 114, 33-42, 2015.

Steinke, S., Glatz, C., Mohtadi, M., Groeneveld, J., Li, Q., Jian, Z.: Past dynamics of the East Asian Monsoon: No inverse behaviour between the summer and winter monsoon during the Holocene. Global and Planetary Change, Vol. 78, 170-177, 2011.


05. & 06.2013RV Sonne 228: Kaoshiung - Townsville


01.2016Final Conference of SPICE, Denpasar, Indonesien
12.2016AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
03.20132nd Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution Meeting, Berlin, Deutschland