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Publications and Awards

Peer-reviewed publications

  • Suresh G. Melsheimer C., Körber J.-H., Bohrmann G., 2015: Automatic estimation of oil seep locations in synthetic aperture radar images. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53 (8), p. 4218 - 4230.
  • Mau S., Gentz T., Körber J.-H., Torres M., Römer M.,Sahling H., Wintersteller P., Martinez R.,Schlüter M., Helmke E. (2014) Seasonal methane accumulation and release from a gas emission site in the central North Sea, Biogeosciences Discuss. 11, 18003-18044, doi:10.5194/bgd-11-18003-2014
  • Körber J.-H., Sahling H., Pape T., dos Santos Ferreira C., MacDonald I., Bohrmann G., 2014: Natural oil seepage at Kobuleti Ridge, eastern Black Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 50, p. 68-82
  • Heikkinen R., Luoto M., Virkkala R., Pearson R.G., Körber J.-H., 2007. Biotic Interactions improve prediction of boreal bird distributions at macro-scales. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 16, p. 754-763

Presentations (selected)

  • Körber, Jan-Hendrik; Garcia-Pineda, Oscar; MacDonald, Ian; Sahling, Heiko; Bohrmann, Gerhard: 'Analysis and Inventory of Natural Hydrocarbon Seepage in the Black Sea using Remote Sensing Techniques'. 10th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, September 2010, Listvaynka, Lake Baikal, Russia
  • Körber, Jan-Hendrik; Sahling, Heiko; Pape, Thomas; Heygster, Georg; Bohrmann, Gerhard: 'From Space to Seafloor - Investigating Oil and Gas Seepage in the Eastern Black Sea'. Americal Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2011, OS24A-04. December 2011, San Francisco, USA
  • Körber, Jan-Hendrik; Sahling, Heiko, Heygster, Georg; Bohrmann, Gerhard: 'Investigating Oil and Gas Seepage in the Eastern Black Sea by Remote Sensing'. 2nd Young Scientist Excellence Cluster Conference on Marine and Climate Research: Perspectives from Natural and Social Sciences. October 2011. Bremen, Germany
  • Körber, Jan-Hendrik; Sahling, Heiko; Pape, Thomas; Heygster, Georg; Bohrmann, Gerhard: 'From Space to Seafloor - Investigating Oil and Gas Seepage in the Eastern Black Sea'. MARUM PhD days 2012. Etelsen, Germany
  • Körber, Jan-Hendrik; Sahling, Heiko; Pape, Thomas; MacDonald, Ian; Bohrmann, Gerhard: 'Oil seepage in the eastern Black Sea and its potential impact on atmospheric methane'. Meeting of the Geological Society of Germany: 'Of Land and Sea: Processes and Products'. 24-28 September 2012. Hamburg, Germany
  • Körber, Jan-Hendrik (invited): 'Natürliche Öl- und Gasquellen in der Tiefsee und deren mögliche Auswirkung auf unser Klima'. Haus der Wissenschaft, March 2013, Bremen, Germany.
  • Suresh, Gopika; Heygster, Georg; Melsheimer, Christian, Bohrmann, Gerhard; Körber, Jan-Hendrik: ‘An automatic detection system for natural oil seep origin estimation in SAR images.’ IGARSS, July 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Körber, Jan-Hendrik (invited): 'Aktuelle Themen der Bremer Meeresforschung – wissenschaftliche Fragen und technische Herausforderungen'. 18. Fuldaer Elektrotechnik-Kolloquium: Die Ozeane - Bedeutung und Erforschung. November 2013, Fulda, Germany.
  • Tóth, Zsuzsanna; Fei, Tai.; Körber, Jan-Hendrik; Keil, Hanno; Spieß, Volkhard; Kraus, Dieter: ‘Autonomous detection, mapping and sampling of marine gas seeps using an AUV – Modeling’. 12th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments, September 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

Technical reports (contributions)

  • Bohrmann et al.: Report and Preliminary Results of RV METEOR Cruise 84/2, Istanbul - Istanbul, 26 February - 02 April, 2011. Origin and Distribution of Methane and Methane Hydrates in the Black Sea. Berichte, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen. Germany
  • Bohrmann et al.: Report and Preliminary Results of RV MARIA S. MERIAN Cruise 15/2, Istanbul (Turkey) - Piraeus (Greece), 10 May - 02 June 2010. Origin and Structure of Methane, Gas Hydrates and Fluid Flows in the Black Sea. Berichte, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, Germany.
  • Ian MacDonald et al.: Remote Sensing and Sea-Truth Measurements of Methane Flux to the Atmosphere (HYFLUX project). NETL Final Report; DOE Award No.: DE-NT0005638.


  • Best presentation at the ‘2. Young Scientist Excellence Cluster Conference on Marine Science and Climate Research 2011’.
  • Best presentation at the ‘MARUM PhD days, 2012’.