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CV and Degrees


Academic CV and work experience

2013-presentPostdoc at the MARUM, University of Bremen
11/2012PhD in marine geology, University of Bremen
2009-2012PhD student at the MARUM, University of Bremen
2009-2012Member of the graduate school ‘Global Change in the Marine Realm’ (GLOMAR)
2003-2009Studies in physical geography, geosciences, and biology, University of Bremen, Germany
2006Research assistant at the Thule Institute and Department of Geography, University of Oulu, Finland
2005-2008 (discontinuously)Studies in physical geography and biology, University of Oulu, Finland
2001-2003Studies in industrial and business systems, University of Applied Sciences, Emden and University of Bremen, Germany


  • PhD (Dr. rer. nat.): Remote Sensing and GIS-based analysis of hydrocarbon seeps: Detection, mapping, and quantification. University of Bremen, 2012.
  • Diploma in physical geography, biology, geoscience: Modelllierung von Verbreitungsmustern finnischer Eulenarten in Abhängigkeit von Klima und Landnutzung (engl.: Modelling of distribution patterns of Finnish owl species
    in dependency of climate and landcover variables). University of Bremen, 2009.