Student projects

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Field Work

02/2018 Sampling campaign, Altenwalde, Germany
Coring of XL-Monopiles for surface roughness and shear strength measurements of surface-sand interfaces
02/2016 Sampling campaign, Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand
Sampling at the Bramley Drive landslide for cyclic triaxial testing
12/2015 Geophysical survey, Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand
Sub-seafloor investigation of the Bramley Drive landslide using multibeam echosounder, side scan sonar, and shallow water seismic
07/2014 - 08/2014 Poseidon expedition POS472, Norway
Geotechnical in situ investigation of slope stability offshore Norway

Coring of XL-Monopiles


Johann Hollop M.Sc. Project 2018 Germany
Bernd Oefner B.Sc. Thesis 2017 Germany kf-Sensitivität: Ein neuer Parameter zur Quantifizierung des Durchlässigkeitsverlustes nach dem Versagen verwitterter Tephra, Tauranga Harbour - Neuseeland
M.Sc. Thesis 2017 Germany Pore pressure fluctuations as trigger of landslides - Investigations by means of a numerical model for the formation of the Bramley Drive (Omokoroa, NZ) landslide
Alexander Busch M.Sc. Project 2017 Germany Konzipierung und Entwicklung einer Testzelle zur Ermittlung des Verflüssigungspotentials von vulkanischen Ablagerungen
Maximilian Müller B.Sc. Thesis 2016 Germany Ödometermessungen zur Bestimmung der Permeabilität von verwitterten vulkanischen Aschelagen und deren Einfluss auf die Hangrutschung am Bramley Drive, Omokoroa - NZ
Philippa Mills M.Sc. Thesis 2016 New
Failure mechanisms in sensitive volcanic soils in the Tauranga Region, New Zealand
David Seibel B.Sc. Thesis 2015 Germany Einfluss der Halloysit-Morphologie auf die undrainierte Scherfestigkeit der Pahoia Tephra Neuseelands - Ein Vergleich von REM-Aufnahmen und Flügelsondenversuchen
Bastian Steinborn M.Sc. Thesis 2015 Germany Multidisciplinary soil characterization of a coastal Omokoroa peninsula, NZ slope sequence, prone to slope failure, using correlations of in-situ and laboratory data

Research students

Maximilian Müller10 - 11 / 2016Investigation of the coefficient of permeability along core Omok-1 using oedmoetric compression tests
Connor Schulze01 - 06 / 2015Measurement of undrained shear strength along core Omok-1 obtained near the Bramley Drive landslide, New Zealand
Niroshan Gajendra12 / 2014Measurement of undrained shear strength along core Omok-1 obtained near the Bramley Drive landslide, New Zealand
David Seibel08 - 10 / 2014Investigation of geotechnical properties of gravity core GeoB-18623-1 for slope stability assessment in Orkdalsfjord, Norway