Dr. Gerlinde Jung

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  • Erdsystemmodellierung
  • Paläoklimatologie (bes. Miozän/Pliozän)
  • Feedbacks zwischen Landoberfläche und Atmosphäre
  • Feedbacks zwischen Ozean und Atmosphäre
  • Monsunsysteme



Aktuelle Forschung

African mountain uplift and the development of the Benguela upwelling system in the Neogene

Mountain uplift and the effect on eastern boundary currents and upwelling systems

How does topography influence Central and East African rainfall and vegetation coverage?


Jung, G., Prange, M. (2019): The effect of mountain uplift on eastern boundary currents and upwelling systems. Climate of the Past Discussions, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-2019-40, in review.

Grimmer, F., Dupont, L.M., Lamy, F., Jung, G, González, C., and Wefer, G. (2018): Early Pliocene vegetation and hydrology changes in western equatorial South America, Climate of the Past, 14(11), 1739-1754.

Hoetzel, S., L.M. Dupont, F. Marret, G. Jung, G. Wefer (2017): Steps in the in­tens­i­fic­a­tion of Benguela up­welling over the Walvis Ridge dur­ing Mio­cene and Plio­cene. In­ter­na­tional Journal of Earth Sci­ences 106 (1), 171-183.

Jung, G., Prange, M., Schulz, M. (2016): Influence of topography on tropical African vegetation coverage. Climate Dynamics, 46:2535-2549.
Jung, G., Prange, M., Schulz, M. (2014): Uplift of Africa as a potential cause for Neogene intensification of the Benguela upwelling system. Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2249.
Jung, G., Wagner, S., Kunstmann, H. (2012): Joint cli­mate-hy­dro­logy mod­el­ing: an im­pact study for the data-sparse en­vir­on­ment of the Volta Basin in West Africa. Hy­dro­logy Re­search, 43(3), 231-248.
van de Giesen, N.C., Liebe, J., Jung, G. (2010): Ad­apt­ing to cli­mate change in the Volta Basin, West Africa. Cur­rent Sci­ence, 98 (8), 1033-1037.
Leemhuis, C., Jung, G., Kasei, R., Liebe, J. (2009): The Volta Basin wa­ter al­loc­a­tion sys­tem: as­sess­ing the im­pact of the ag­ri­cul­tural de­vel­op­ment on the wa­ter res­sources of the Volta Basin, West Africa. Ad­vances in Geosciences, 21, 57-62.
Jung, G., Hedgecock, I., Pirrone, N. (2009): ECH­MERIT V1.0 – a new global fully coupled mer­cury-chem­istry and trans­port model. Geoscientific Model De­vel­op­ment, 2, 385-453
Kunstmann, H., Jung, G., Wagner, S., Clottey, H. (2008): In­teg­ra­tion of at­mo­spheric sci­ences and hy­dro­logy for the de­vel­op­ment of de­cision sup­port sys­tems in sus­tain­able wa­ter man­age­ment. Phys­ics and Chem­istry of the Earth, Parts A/​B/​C 33(1-2): 165-174
Jung G., Kunstmann, H. (2007): Mod­el­ling re­gional cli­mate change and the im­pact on sur­face and sub-sur­face hy­dro­logy in the Volta Basin (West Africa), (Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­posium HS2004 at IUG­G2007, Per­u­gia, July 2007). IAHS Publ. 313
Jung G., Kunstmann, H. (2007): High-res­ol­u­tion re­gional cli­mate mod­el­ing for the Volta re­gion of West Africa, Journal of Geo­phys­ical Re­search, 112, D23108, doi:10.1029/​2006JD007951
Neumann, R., Jung G., Laux, P., Kunstmann, H. (2007): Cli­mate trends of tem­per­at­ure, pre­cip­it­a­tion and river dis­charge in the Volta Basin of West Africa; In­ter­na­tional Journal of River Basin Man­age­ment; 5(1): 17-3
Kunstmann, H., Jung, G. (2007): In­flu­ence of soil-mois­ture and land use change on pre­cip­it­a­tion in the Volta Basin of West Africa; In­ter­na­tional Journal of River Basin Man­age­ment 5 (1): 9–16
Kunstmann, H., Jung, G. (2005): Im­pact of re­gional cli­mate change on wa­ter avail­ab­il­ity in the Volta Basin of West Africa, in "Re­gional Hy­dro­lo­gical Im­pact of Cli­matic Vari­ab­il­ity and Change". IAHS Pub­lic­a­tion, Re­gional Hy­dro­lo­gical im­pacts of Cli­mate vari­ab­il­ity and Change - Im­pact As­ses­ment and De­cision Mak­ing, No. 295 (2005), S. 75-85
Kunstmann, H., Jung, G. (2003): In­vest­ig­a­tions of feed­back mech­an­isms between soil mois­ture, land use and pre­cip­it­a­tion in West Africa. In: "Wa­ter Re­sources Sys­tems – Wa­ter Avail­ab­il­ity and Global Change", IAHS Pub­lic­a­tion No. 280: 149-159
van de Giesen, N.C., Kunstmann, H., Jung, G., Liebe, J., Andreini, M., Vlek, P.L.G. (2002): The GLOWA Volta pro­ject: In­teg­rated as­sess­ment of feed­back mech­an­isms between cli­mate, land­use, and hy­dro­logy. In: Ben­is­ton, M. (ed.) Cli­matic Change. Im­plic­a­tions for the Hy­dro­lo­gical Cycle and for Wa­ter Man­age­ment, Ad­vances in Global Change Re­search, 10: 151-170
Kunstmann, H., Jung, G., Knoche, R. (2001): Rück­kopplung­sef­fekte zwis­chen Boden­feuchte, Land­nutzung und Nieder­sch­lag im Volta Becken (West­a­frika). Öster­reichis­che Beiträge zur Met­eor­o­lo­gie und Geo­physik, ISSN Heft Nr. 27/​Publ. Nr. 399

Non Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Jung, G., M. Prange, and M. Schulz (2011): Die En­twicklung der tropis­chen Re­gen­zone im späten Neo­gen. In Forschung im HLRN-Ver­bund 2011, ZIB Ber­lin und RRZN Han­nover, Ger­many, pp. 54-55.
Lo Feudo, T., Hedgecock, I.M., Jung, L., Pirrone, N., (2010): In­flu­ence of North At­lantic Os­cil­la­tion In­dex on In­ter­con­tin­ental Mer­cury Trans­port. In Pro­ceed­ings of 15th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Heavy Metals in the En­vir­on­ment, Gdansk, Po­land, 19-23 Septem­ber 2010, pp. 246-249
Travnikov, O., Lin, C. J., Dastoor, A., Bullock, O. R, Hedgecock, I., Holmes C, Ilyin I., Jaeglé L., Jung G., Pan L.,Pongprueksa P., Ryzhkov A., Seigneur C., Skov H. (2010): Chap­terB4: Global and Re­gional Mod­el­ling. In: Part B: Mer­cury (Pir­rone and Keat­ing, Eds.), United Na­tions Pub­lic­a­tions, ISSN 1014-4625- ISBN 978-92-1-117044-3.pp. 97-144.
Hedgecock I.M., Sprovieri F., Pirrone N., Cinnirella S., Jung G. (2009): L'ar­gento vivo comin­cia a smettere di fug­gire. In: Atti Con­ve­gno "En­vir­on­ment, in­clud­ing global change" Palermo, 5-9 Ot­tobre 2009
Jung, G., Hedgecock, I., Pirrone, N. (2007): ECH­MERIT – Un mod­ello at­mos­ferico a scala glob­ale per stu­di­are le di­n­amiche del mer­curio con i cam­bia­menti cli­matici; Clima e cam­bia­menti cli­matici: le at­tiv­ità di richerca del CNR (CNR re­port, ISBN 978-88-8080-075-0).
Jung, G., Hedgecock, I., Pirrone, N. (2007): Coup­ling mer­cury chem­istry to the global cir­cu­la­tion model ECHAM5, 2nd AC­CENT Sym­posium, Urbino, Italy. Con­fer­ence Pro­ceed­ings.
Knoche, R., Jung, G., Forkel, R., Kunstmann, H. (2005): High res­ol­u­tion cli­mate sim­u­la­tions as an tool for cli­mate im­pact and ad­apt­a­tion ana­lysis. An­nalen der Met­eor­o­lo­gie, 41 (2005), Deutscher Wet­terdienst, Of­fen­bach, S. 205-208. ISBN 3-88148-405-1; 17th In­ter­nat. Con­gress of Bio­met­eor­o­logy (ICB 2005), Garmisch-Parten­kirchen, Septem­ber 5-9, 2005
Kunstmann, H., Jung, G. (2003): Feed­back Mech­an­isms between Soil Mois­ture, Land Use and Pre­cip­it­a­tion in West Africa, In: Ar­neth, A. et al. (eds), Re­port Series in Aer­o­sol Sci­ences, No. 62B, Pro­ceed­ings of ILEAPS: In­teg­rated Land Eco­sys­tem -At­mo­sphere Study, In­ter­na­tional Open Sci­ence Con­fer­ence, Hel­sinki, Fin­land: 215-220

Book Chapter:

Jung, G., Hedgecock, I., Pirrone, N. (2009): The ECH­MERT model. In: Mer­cury fate and trans­port in the global at­mo­sphere: emis­sions, meas­ure­ments and mod­els (N. Pir­rone and R. P. Ma­son Eds.) Springer, USA: pp. 547-569


2009 – 2019 Post-Doc at MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences, De­part­ment of Geosciences, Uni­versity of Bre­men, Ger­many
Topic: Pa­laeo­cli­mate Mod­el­ling
2006 – 2009 Post-Doc at the In­sti­tute of At­mo­spheric Pol­lu­tion (IIA) of the Na­tional Re­search Coun­cil (CNR) of Italy in Rende.
Topic: De­vel­op­ment and ap­plic­a­tion of the global-scale on­line coupled mer­cury-chem­istry and trans­port model ECHMERIT
2006 Post-Doc at the Centre for De­vel­op­ment Re­search (ZEF), Bonn and the Karls­ruhe In­sti­tute of Tech­no­logy (KIT), Ger­many
Topic: Teach­ing MM5
2001 – 2005 Doc­toral thesis at the In­sti­tute of Met­eor­o­logy and Cli­mate Re­search, At­mo­spheric En­vir­on­mental Re­search Di­vi­sion (IMK-IFU) of the Karls­ruhe In­sti­tute of Tech­no­logy (KIT), Ger­many and at the Fac­ulty of Math­em­at­ics and Nat­ural Sci­ences (In­sti­tute of Math­em­at­ics) of the University of Augsburg, Ger­many.
Topic: Mod­el­ing the im­pact of cli­mate change on hy­dro­logy in the Volta basin of West Africa with a joint mod­el­ing ap­proach us­ing re­gional cli­mate and hy­dro­logy mod­els.
2000 - 2001 Dip­loma thesis at the In­sti­tute of Met­eor­o­logy and Cli­mate Re­search, At­mo­spheric En­vir­on­mental Re­search Di­vi­sion (IMK-IFU) of the Karls­ruhe In­sti­tute of Tech­no­logy (KIT), Ger­many
Topic: Soil-mois­ture – rain­fall feed­back mech­an­isms in the Volta Basin, West Africa
1993 – 2001 Dip­loma Stud­ies in Met­eor­o­logy at the Institute for Meteorology and Geophysics at the Uni­versity of Inns­bruck, Aus­tria
1979 – 1992