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Long Pleistocene Records

Brunhes Summary Diagrams
Pollen summary diagrams of 3 records covering almost the complete Brunhes Chron. Time runs from left (old) to right (young).

West Africa

The most important long Pleistocene West African pollen record is that of ODP Site 658, offshore of Cape Blanc (Mauretanie). We worked also on a core further south (GIK 16415) at 9°N.

The Saharan-Sahelian boundary during the Brunhes chron

Dupont LM, Hooghiemstra H
Acta Botanica Neerlandica 38 (1989) 405-415

First palynological results from ODP Site 658 at 21°N West off Africa: pollen as climate indicators

Dupont LM, Beug HJ, Stalling H, Tiedemann R
In: Ruddiman WF, Sarnthein M et al. (eds) Proceedings Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 108 (1989) 93-111

Equatorial Africa

Mid-Pleistocene environmental change in tropical Africa began as early as 1.05 Ma

Dupont LM, Donner B, Schneider RR, Wefer G
Geology 29 (2001) 195-198

see also 'Floral change > Mid-Pleistocene Transition'

Southeast Africa

Temperature change in subtropical southeastern Africa during the past 790,000 yr

Chevalier M, Chase BM, Quick LJ, Dupont LM, Johnson TC
Geology 49 (2020) 5p

Effects of atmospheric CO2 variability of the past 800 kyr on the biomes of southeast Africa

Dupont LM, Caley T, Castañeda I
Climate of the Past 15 (2019) 1083–1097

see also 'Floral change > Mid-Brunhes Event'

A 2 million year hydroclimatic context for hominin evolution in southeastern Africa

Caley T, Extier T, Collins JA, Schefuß E, Dupont L, Malaizé B, Rossignol L, Souron A, McClymont EL, Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Garcia-Comas C, Eynaud F, Martinez P, Jorry SJ, Charlier K, Wary M, Gourves P-Y, Billy I, Giraudeau, J
Nature 560 (2018) 76-79

Middle to Late Pleistocene vegetation and climate change in subtropical southern East Africa

Castañeda I, Caley T, Dupont L, Kim J-H, Malaizé B, Schouten S
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 450 (2016) 306-316

Glacial-Interglacial vegetation dynamics in south eastern Africa depend on sea surface temperature variations in the western Indian Ocean

Dupont LM, Caley T, Kim JH, Castaneda I, Malaizé B, Giraudeau J
Climate of the Past 7 (2011) 1209-1224