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Grants and Awards

December 2016:MARUM Incentive Fund for project ‘Building a stratigraphic framework for the Western Pacific Warm Pool’, PI: Dr. A.J. Drury
Six-month independent research position at MARUM, University Bremen
August 2015:Extension proposal for We 5479/1-1 ‘Time Scale Controversy: accurate orbital calibration of the late Miocene’, PI: Dr. T. Westerhold.
Written together with T. Westerhold. Submitted to the DFG ODP/IODP Priority Program.
June 2014:Short Visit Grant #6722 from Earthtime-EU (ESF)
To attend the IsoAstro Workshop 2014 at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
May 2014:NSF funding
To attend IsoAstro Workshop 2014 at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
June 2012:ECORD Research Grants 2012 – ESSAC.
For proposal entitled the 'Onset and Termination of the Messinian Salinity Crisis: constraining variation of bottom water temperatures, ice volume and sea level'
May 2011:ECORD Summer Schools Scholarship 2011 – ESSAC.
To attend the ECORD 2011 Urbino Summer School for Palaeoclimatology
March 2011:Geochemistry Group Student Travel Bursary – Geological Society.
To attend the IODP PEAT Expedition 320/321 Post cruise Meeting
2010-2014:Janet Watson Scholarship – Imperial College London.
Stipend for outstanding PhD applicants to the Earth Sciences & Engineering department