Busch, Alexander

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Re­search pro­ject

The long term set-up-effect of Xl - driven monopiles

The core of my project is the quantification of the so called “Long term set-up-effect.” It describes the continuous increase in bearing capacity for monopiles, which are the typical foundations for offshore wind turbines. Generally, the set-up - effect leads to an increase of the bearing capacity of about 40% but can even rise to values of twice the size than calculated. Despite numerous publications, related to the set-up effect over the last decades, it is still not possible to incorporate this effect into the design of monopiles. By solving this problem it could be possible to reduce pile lengths, reduce pile sections (use smaller - diameter or thinner - wall pipe piles, or smaller - section H - piles), or reduce the size of driving equipment (use smaller hammers and/or cranes). To cut a long story short, to save money. The connection to the field of renewable energies transforms the set-up-effect to a problem of economic interest. Most of all, at times when words like “free market economy” - “energy revolution” and “climate change” are omnipresent. To shed light on this effect and on all the hidden mechanisms causing it, a cooperation out of different research and economic facilities (Frauenhofer IWES, Marum, Geo - Engineering GmbH and Innogy SE) was formed. Therefore, lab experiments like automatic shear testing and corrosion experiments, as well as the use of different analytical methods and big scale field experiments are planned.

Research interest

  • pile foundations
  • civil engineering
  • soil mechanics
  • corrosion & cementation
  • geochemistry & mineralogy
Source: SIF - Group
Source: SIF - Group

Cur­riculum vitae

Since 05.2018 Ph.D. student at Marum - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
02.2018 - 05.2018 Project manager in geotechnics at Geotechnics - Rommeis & Schmoll GmbH
11.2015 - 09.2017 Student assistant and tutor at University of Bremen
11.2015 - 09.2016 Working student at HPC AG (Bremen)
10.2014 - 09.2017 Master of Science in Geoscience at University of Bremen
07.2013 - 08.2013 Intership at JENA-GEOS®-Ingenieurbüro GmbH
11.2011 - 10.2013 Student assistant and tutor at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU)
10.2010 - 09.2013 Bachelor of Science in Geoscience at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU)
06.2010 - 07.2010 Intership at Leipnitz Center for Tropical marine Research (ZMT)

Foundation structures of offshore wind turbines

Source: Stiftung Offshore-Windenergie, Detlef Gehring
Source: Stiftung Offshore-Windenergie, Detlef Gehring