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Research Projects


2016-2019: INTERMILAN

DFG-IODP funded project: Evolution of the Indian summer monsoon and terrestrial vegetation in the Northeastern Indian region.

2016-2019: ECHo
BMBF project: Programme Marocco-Allemand pour la recherche scientifique (PMARS III) Environment-Climate-Human interactions in southern Morocco during the past 2000 years: inferences from high-resolution marine records


2013-2016 MARUM project OC2

Land-ocean interaction and climate variability in low latitudes
Postdoctoral Researcher working on the deglacial climatic and hydrological variabilities in the Amazone region through the study of vegetation development.

2013-2016 BMBF project: Programme Marocco-Allemand pour la recherche scientifique (PMARS) in the framework of the German-African Cooperation program in Education and Research
Project leader

Holocene climate reconstructions and vegetation history in Morocco using lake records from the Middle and High Atlas.
Collaboration with the Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Tanger

2009-2012 Glacial to Holocene history of the tropical rainbelt
Postdoctoral Researcher working on the Southeast African climate during the last deglaciation through high-resolution palynological studies from cores off Tanzania.
2010 Visiting Postdoctoral scholar
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York. USA

2006-2009 Influence of Atlantic Ocean thermohaline circulation on tropical sea surface temperature and North African climate
PhD studies
Thesis: Oceanic and climatic variability in the eastern tropical North Atlantic and over western Sahel during the last deglaciation and the Holocene
2008 Visisting research student
School of Geography, Department of Palynology in Liverpool University. UK

2002-2004 EU project COLASU: Sustainability of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoon Ecosystems Under Semi-Arid Climate
MsC studies
Faculté des sciences de Rabat, Morocco
2004 Visiting research student
Funded by Flanders government and IOC/UNESCO
Renard Centre for marine Geology, RCMG, Ghent University, Belgium
2002 Internship in Ministère de l’environnement
Direction de la surveillance et de la prévention des risques. Division de la Gestion Environnementale du Milieu Naturel, Rabat, Morocco