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Dr. Barbara Donner

Archived Page

This web page has not been updated since the former colleague left MARUM.

Research work


Science communication

Paleoclimate (Research Area OC Ocean and Climate).
Particle flux: Foraminifer fluxes from sediment traps,
long term observations off NW-Africa
(Research Area GB Geosphere-Biosphere Interactions)

Micropaleontology (Bachelor)
Stratigraphy in marine sediments (Bachelor)
Methods in marine geology (Bachelor)
Paleoecology seminar (Bachelor)
Marine Environmental Archives Project (Marine Master)

Research Area Z Support and Management: Z4 Science Communication
Planning and realisation of training courses for teachers
Organisation and accomplishment of scientific conferences
Planning and realisation of exhibitions for the public

Support of students, graduate students, guest scientists in sampling and sample preparations
Info presentations for teachers, pupils, broad public
Mentoring of trainees