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Lipids and Kerogen as Environmental Proxies

Continuous marine high-resolution climate records with sufficient time resolution are needed to detect high-frequency variations in paleo-climate. Such records are rare but vital for our understanding of causes and consequences of climate and environmental change at decadal to millennial time scales.

Lipid-based proxies are increasingly important tool to obtain such information on the past. The projects in this theme deal with the development, calibration and application of such lipid-based proxies.

MOCCHA multidisciplinary study of continent-ocean climate dynamics using high-resolution records from the eastern Mediterranean

The ESF EUROCORES project MOCCHA addresses changes in the Mediterranean climate and environment as well as their underlying human and natural forcing mechanisms on the basis of environmental information stored in marine sediments recovered from the the south Italian Adriatic Sea and Gulf of Taranto. The generated records cover the last millennia with a sub-decadal resolution. Reconstructions are based on a combination of organic- and inorganic-geochemical, palynological and micropaleontological proxies. The organic geochemical component of the project is covered here.

The MOCCHA Team: Front left to right: Stefano Bernasconi, Brice Robert, Gert de Lange, Anna-Lena Grauel, Arne Leider; Back left to right: Chen Liang, Elisa Malinverno, Gerard Versteegh; Missing: Karin Zonneveld, Marie-Louise Goudeau