
Tina Trautmann


+49 421 2028-7360



MPI Bremen, 2126

Tina Trautmann

Curriculum Vitae

since 10/2017 Technical and scientific employee in the Joint Re­search Group for Mar­ine Gly­cobi­o­logy (MARUM Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences at the Uni­versity Bre­men and Max Planck In­sti­tute for Mar­ine Mi­cro­bi­o­logy)
09/2015 - 03/2017

Master of Science in Marine Microbiology at the University of Bremen and the International Max Planck Research School

Master thesis: “Intraspecific trait diversity in Alexandrium ostenfeldii and resulting effects on the community composition”

09/2011 - 03/2015

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology at the Brandenburg University of Technology in Senftenberg

Bachelor thesis: “Genetic characterization of transposon mutants of the beta-proteobacterium Thauera linaloolentis 47Lol”

09/2013 – 01/2014

Practical semester/ internship at AgResearch Ltd. in Hamilton (New Zealand)

research topic: “JMJD2b induction in transgenic mouse embryonic fibroblasts and the related changes of ZFP37 expression and Ikaros1 localization.”