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Oral presentations

If you are attending and giving your talk on site, we would appreciate that you send your presentation in either .pptx, .ppt, .pdf formats at least 1 hour before your presentation (The day before is preferred). Please name your presentation following this format: TMS2022_YOUR-SESSION_YOURNAME.pptx (example: TMS2022_SESSION6_Morard.pptx). Please send it either to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] or use Wetransfer (https://wetransfer.com/) to send it if your file is too heavy.

If you attend online and give a talk, you will simply share your screen on ZOOM. You can send us your presentation for extra security if you wish.

We will not share your presentation before or after the conference and will delete all files once the TMS2022 is over.

As a reminder, the talks are 15 minutes, and will include presentation, question and switch of presenter. There will be a strict time keeping during the conference. We suggest 12 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes for question + switch but you can allocate your time differently if you wish. We suggest 25+5 minutes for keynotes.

Poster presentations


Please print your poster is A0 portrait format and bring it with you. You can put it up either before the workshops, during icebreaker or after and it will be on display during the entire conference. If you want to increase the visibility of your work to the online participants, you can send us your poster in .pdf fortmat to either [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] or We transfer (https://wetransfer.com/) to send it if your file is too heavy. Use TMS2022_POSTER_YOURNAME.pdf. We will provide a dialshow on ZOOM that will be broadcasted during the poster session for everyone. You must send it the Tuesday 8th of November before midnight at the latest.


We will broadcast your poster during the entire event on a screen and give you two opportunities to interact directly with on site and online participants during the HYBRYD-POSTER SESSIONS on the Friday 11th during the morning and afternoon session (Please see full program for details). We will invite the on site participants in a room to come and discuss your work with you for 5 minutes flash presentation.

Please send your poster as A0 portrait format to either [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] or Wetransfer (https://wetransfer.com/) . Use TMS2022_POSTER-HYBRID_YOURNAME.pdf. You must send it the Tuesday 8th of November before midnight at the latest.

As for presentation, we will not share your work and delete all files after the TMS conference is over.

All the poster we will receive will be available on a cloud for the online participants for the time of the conference.


The sharing of poster digitally is on a voluntary basis if you wish to increase the visibility of your work. If you do not send it, there is no problem on our side. The online participant can show their poster during the flash presentation only if they wish.