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Oct 2020

On the 21st of October a virtual Midterm Meeting of all projects under the SPACES II umbrella takes place. On the correspondig web page a lot of information can be found (video chlips - with brief descriptions of the single project and their current status with regard to respective aims - as well as postesr documenting first results)

(cf. https://spaces.thuenen.de/mtm/)

Feb 2020

The Jena team takes surface sediment samples from estuarine systems along the eastern coast between Durban and Port Elisabeth for comparison with Richards Bay. The three researchers are accompagnied by Eugene Bergh from IZIKO Museum in Cape Town.

Measuring pH

Jan - March 2020

TRACES Postdoc Annette Hahn participates in the DAAD stipend program for a research stay with Hayley Cathraw (Chief Scientist at the Council for Geoscience & Research Associate at Nelson Mandela University) and the University of Witwatersrand, Johanesburg with cooperation partner Marc Humphries and Letitia Pillay.

University of the Witwatersrand

Nov 2019

TRACES PhD students Paul Mehlhorn and Julia Gensel participate in the DAAD stipend program for a research stay at the University of Witwatersrand, Johanesburg with cooperation Partner Marc Humphries.


Sept 2019

TRACES summer School TRAIN-Me takes places along South Africas North east coast from 5.9-11.9.2019. A great hands-on learning experience for students and lecturers....Link

copyright: TRAIN-Me
copyright: TRAIN-Me

Mai 2019

The first TRACES-Germany Meeting takes places in Greifwald on May 21st and May 22nd! Initial results are shared and compared and the next steps forward are planned.....


April 2019

new TRACES PhD working on pollen in SP3 with Frank Neumann and Marion Bamford! Angela Effiom is currently running her PhD in Palaeontology at the Evolutionary Studies Institute (ESI), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Her research interests focus primarily on the reconstruction of past vegetation and inference of past climate using pollen grains and spores. Another research field is the application of pollen morphology, spore morphology and foliar epidermal anatomy in plant taxonomy.


March 2019

initial radiocarbon dates are finally available so that preliminary age-models for the sediment archives may be developped!

Winter 2019

our labs are processing the huge samples sets obtained during our 2018 field campaigns.

3.-7. Dec 2018

3 TRACES members (2 German, 1 South African) participate in the SPACES kick off meeting and adjoining Conference on Global Change in Polokwane, South Africa (link)

Nov/Dec 2018

Fieldwork in the Mkuze River catchment and mouth involving project partners from the universities of Johannesburg (3), Bremen (4) and Greifswald (2).

September 2018

The University of Greifswald undertakes a sampling campaign of the upper Mkuze River catchment.

August 2018

The seismic surveying (Andy Green, University of Durban) and surface sampling of Richards Bay (Peter Frenzel and Torsten Haberzettl; Universities of Greifswald and Jena) is completed during a first field campaign.

Summer 2018

Julia Gensel, Olga Gildeeva and Paul Mehlhorn start their PhD contracts in 3 different TRACES sub-projects.

July 2018

Start of the TRACES project! Start of fieldwork planinng and launching of the new TRACES website.