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Publications 2009 - 2006


Alt-Epping, U, Stuut, JB, Hebbeln, D and Schneider, RR (2009) Variations in sediment provenance during the past 3000 years off the Tagus River, Portugal. Marine Geology, 261(1-4). 82-91. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2008.11.008

Freiwald, A, Beuck, L, Rüggeberg, A, Taviani, M, Hebbeln, D and R/V Meteor M70-1 participants (2009) The white coral community in the Central Mediterranean Sea - Revealed by ROV surveys. Oceanography, 22(1). 58-74. doi:10.5670/oceanog.2009.06

Hebbeln, D, Wienberg, C, Beuck, L, Freiwald, A, Wintersteller, P and cruise participants (2009) Report and preliminary results of R/V POSEIDON Cruise 385 "Cold-water corals of the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea)", Faro - Toulon, 29.5. - 16.6.2009. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 273. Department of Geosciences, Bremen University. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000106508

Mohtadi, M, Steinke, S, Groeneveld, J, Fink, HG, Rixen, T, Hebbeln, D, Donner, B and Herunadi, B (2009) Low-latitude control on seasonal and interannual changes in planktonic foraminiferal flux and shell geochemistry off south Java: A sediment trap study. Paleoceanography, 24. PA1201. doi:10.1029/2008PA001636 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Quiroga, E, Sellanes, J, Gerdes, D, Arntz, WE, Gallardo, VA and Hebbeln, D (2009) Demersal fish and megafaunal assemblages of three bathyal areas off Chile (22°-42°S). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56(16). 1061-1072. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.09.010

Svenson, C, Ernstsen, VB, Winter, C, Bartholomä, A and Hebbeln, D (2009) Tide-driven sediment variations on a large compound dune in the Jade tidal inlet channel, South-Eastern North Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56. 361-365.

Veit-Köhler, G, Gerdes, D, Quiroga, E, Hebbeln, D and Sellanes, J (2009) Metazoan meiofauna within the oxygen-minimum zone off Chile: Results of the 2001-PUCK expedition. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56(16). 1105-1111. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.09.013

Wienberg, C, Hebbeln, D, Fink, HG, Mienis, F, Dorschel, B, Vertino, A, López Correa, M and Freiwald, A (2009) Scleractinian cold-water corals in the Gulf of Cádiz - first clues about their spatial and temporal distribution. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 56(10). 1873-1893. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.05.016 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

de Pol-Holz, R, Robinson, RS, Hebbeln, D, Sigman, DM and Ulloa, O (2009) Controls on sedimentary nitrogen isotopes along the Chile margin. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 56(16). 1100-1112. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.09.014


Eisele, MH, Hebbeln, D and Wienberg, C (2008) Growth history of a cold-water coral covered carbonate mound - Galway Mound, Porcupine Seabight, NE-Atlantic. Marine Geology, 253(3-4). 160-169. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2008.05.006 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Hebbeln, D and cruise participants (2008) Report and preliminary results of RV Pelagia Cruise 64PE284. Cold-water Corals in the Gulf of Cádiz and on Coral Patch Seamount (NE Atlantic). Portimão - Portimão, 18.02. - 09.03.2008. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 265. Department of Geosciences, Bremen University. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000103738

Kaiser, J, Schefuß, E, Lamy, F, Mohtadi, M and Hebbeln, D (2008) Glacial to Holocene changes in sea surface temperature and coastal vegetation in north central Chile: high versus low latitude forcing. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27(21-22). 2064-2075. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.08.025

Mohtadi, M, Rossel, PE, Lange, CB, Pantoja, S, Böning, P, Repeta, DJ, Grunwald, M, Lamy, F, Hebbeln, D and Brumsack, HJ (2008) Deglacial pattern of circulation and marine productivity in the upwelling region off central-south Chile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 272. 221-230. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.04.043 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Wang, L, Winter, C, Schrottke, K, Hebbeln, D and Bartholomä, A (2008) Modelling of estuarine fluid mud evolution in troughs of large subaequous dunes. In: Zanke, U and Roland, A (eds.) Proceedings of the Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering. Technische Universität Darmstadt, 369-376.

Wienberg, C, Beuck, L, Heidkamp, S, Hebbeln, D, Freiwald, A, Pfannkuche, O and Monteys, X (2008) Franken Mound: facies and biocoenoses on a newly-discovered “carbonate mound” on the western Rockall Bank, NE Atlantic. Facies, 54(1). 1-24. doi:10.1007/s10347-007-0118-0


Alt-Epping, U, Mil-Homens, M, Hebbeln, D, Abrantes, FF and Schneider, RR (2007) Provenance of organic matter and nutrient conditions on a river- and upwelling influenced shelf: A case study from the Portuguese Margin. Marine Geology, 243(1-4). 169-179. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2007.04.016 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Dorschel, B, Hebbeln, D, Rüggeberg, A and Dullo, WC (2007) Carbonate budget of a cold-water coral carbonate mound: Propeller Mound, Porcupine Seabight. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96(1). 73-83. doi:10.1007/s00531-005-0493-0 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Hebbeln, D, Lamy, F, Mohtadi, M and Echtler, H (2007) Tracing the impact of glacial/interglacial climate variability on erosion of the Southern Andes. Geology, 35(2). 131-134. doi:10.1130/G23243A.1

Kaiser, J, Lamy, F, Arz, HW and Hebbeln, D (2007) Dynamics of the millennial-scale sea surface temperature and Patagonian Ice Sheet fluctuations in southern Chile during the last 70 kyr (ODP Site 1233). Special Issue: High-Resolution Archives of Climatic and Environmental Variability Across Latin-America, Quaternary International, 161(1). 77-89. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2006.10.024

Lamy, F, Kaiser, J, Arz, HW, Hebbeln, D, Ninnemann, U, Timm, O, Timmermann, A and Toggweiler, JR (2007) Modulation of the bipolar seesaw in the Southeast Pacific during Termination 1. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259(3-4). 400-413. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2007.04.040 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Masqué, P, Cochran, JK, Hirschberg, DJ, Dethleff, D, Hebbeln, D, Winkler, A and Pfirman, S (2007) Radionuclides in Arctic sea ice: tracers of sources, fates and ice transit time scales. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(8). 1289-1310. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2007.04.016

Mohtadi, M, Max, L, Hebbeln, D, Baumgart, A, Krück, N and Jennerjahn, TC (2007) Modern environmental conditions recorded in surface sediment samples off W and SW Indonesia: Planktonic foraminifera and biogenic compounds analyses. Marine Micropaleontology, 65(1-2). 96-112. doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2007.06.004 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Mohtadi, M, Romero, OE, Kaiser, J and Hebbeln, D (2007) Cooling of the southern high latitudes during the Medieval Period and its effect on ENSO. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(7-8). 1055-1066. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.12.008 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Stuut, JB, Kasten, S, Lamy, F and Hebbeln, D (2007) Sources and modes of terrigenous sediment input to the Chilean continental slope. Quaternary International, 161(1). 67-76. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2006.10.041 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Winter, C, Becker, M, Ernstsen, VB, Hebbeln, D, Port, A, Bartholomä, A, Flemming, B and Lunau, M (2007) In-situ observation of aggregate dynamics in a tidal channel using acoustics, laser-diffraction and optics. Journal of Coastal Research (Proceedings of the 9th International Coastal Symposium), 50. 1173-1177. hdl:10013/epic.27648.d001

de Pol-Holz, R, Ulloa, O, Lamy, F, Dezileau, L, Sabatier, P and Hebbeln, D (2007) Late Quaternary variability of sedimentary nitrogen isotopes in the eastern South Pacific Ocean. Paleoceanography, 22. PA2207. doi:10.1029/2006PA001308 PANGAEA Supplementary Data


Ernstsen, VB, Noormets, R, Hebbeln, D, Bartholomä, A and Flemming, B (2006) Precision of high-resolution multibeam echo sounding coupled with high-accuracy positioning in a shallow water coastal environment. Geo-Marine Letters, 26. 141-149. doi:10.1007/s00367-006-0025-3

Ernstsen, VB, Noormets, R, Winter, C, Hebbeln, D, Bartholomä, A, Flemming, B and Bartholdy, J (2006) Quantification of dune dynamics during a tidal cycle in an inlet channel of the Danish Wadden Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 26. 151-163. doi:10.1007/s00367-006-0026-2

Gil, IM, Abrantes, FF and Hebbeln, D (2006) The North Atlantic Oscillation forcing through the last 2000 years: Spatial variability as revealed by high-resolution marine diatom records from N and SW Europe. Marine Micropaleontology, 60(2). 113-129. doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2006.03.003

Hebbeln, D, Knudsen, KL, Gyllencreutz, R, Kristensen, P, Klitgaard-Kristensen, D, Backman, J, Scheurle, C, Jiang, H, Gil, IM, Smelror, M, Jones, PD and Sejrup, HP (2006) Late Holocene coastal hydrographic and climate changes in the eastern North Sea. The Holocene, 16(7). 987-1001. doi:10.1177/0959683606hl989rp

Hebbeln, D and et al (2006) Report and preliminary results of RV Sonne Cruise SO-184, Pabesia, Durban (South Africa) - Cilacap (Indonesia) - Darwin (Australia), July 8th - September 13th, 2005. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 246. Department of Geosciences, Bremen University. urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000100431

Minning, M, Hebbeln, D, Hensen, C and Kopf, AJ (2006) Geotechnical and geochemical investigations of the Marquês de Pombal landslide at the Portuguese continental margin. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 86(3). 187-198.

Mohtadi, M, Hebbeln, D, Nunez-Ricardo, S and Lange, CB (2006) El Niño-like pattern in the Pacific during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 13 and 11? Paleoceanography, 21. PA1015. doi:10.1029/2005PA001190 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Noormets, R, Ernstsen, VB, Bartholomä, A, Flemming, B and Hebbeln, D (2006) Implications of bedform dynamics on the prediction of local scour in tidal inlets: a case study from the southern North Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 26. 165-176. 10.1007/s00367-006-0029-z

Romero, OE, Kim, JH and Hebbeln, D (2006) Paleoproductivity evolution off central Chile from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Early Holocene. Quaternary Research, 65(3). 519-525. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2005.07.003 PANGAEA Supplementary Data

Schrottke, K, Becker, M, Bartholomä, A, Flemming, B and Hebbeln, D (2006) Fluid mud dynamics in the Weser estuary turbidity zone tracked by high resolution side-scan sonar and parametric sub-bottom profiler. Geo-Marine Letters, 26. 185-198. doi:10.1007/s00367-006-0027-1

Stuut, JB, Marchant, M, Kaiser, J, Lamy, F, Mohtadi, M, Romero, OE and Hebbeln, D (2006) The late Quaternary paleoenvironment of Chile as seen from marine archives. Geographica Helvetica, 61(2). 135-151. doi:10.5194/gh-61-135-2006

Winter, C, Chiou, MD, Riethmüller, R, Ernstsen, VB, Hebbeln, D and Flemming, B (2006) The concept of "representative tides" in morphodynamic numerical modelling. Geo-Marine Letters, 26. 125-132. doi:10.1007/s00367-006-0031-5

de Pol-Holz, R, Ulloa, O, Dezileau, L, Kaiser, J, Lamy, F and Hebbeln, D (2006) Melting of the Patagonian Ice Sheet and deglacial perturbations of the nitrogen cycle in the Eastern South Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 33. Lo4704. doi:10.1029/2005GL024477