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Publications 2002 - 1998


HEBBELN, D., MARCHANT, M. & WEFER, G. (2002) Paleoproductivity in the southern Peru-Chile Current through the last 33,000 years. Marine Geology, 186, 487-504.

KIM, J., SCHNEIDER, R.R., HEBBELN, D., MÜLLER, P.J. & WEFER, G. (2002) Last deglacial sea-surface temperature evolution in the Southeast Pacific compared to climate changes on the South American continent. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21, 2085-2097.

LAMY, F., RÜHLEMANN, C., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (2002) High and low latitude climate control on the position of the southern Peru-Chile Current during the Holocene. Paleoceanography, 17.

HEBBELN, D. (2002) State of the art and future prospect of scientific coring and drilling of marine sediments. In: G. WEFER, D. BILLETT, D. HEBBELN, B.B. JØRGENSEN, TJ. VAN WEERING (eds.) Ocean Margin Systems. Springer, Berlin, 57-66.

ROGERS, A., BILLETT, D., BERGER, W.H., FLACH, E., FREIWALD, A., GAGE, J., HEBBELN, D., HEIP, C., PFANNKUCHE, O., RAMIREZ-LLODRA, E., MEDLIN, L., SIBUET, M., SOETAERT, K., TENDAL, O., VANREUSEL, A., WLODARSKA-KOWALCZUK, M. (2002) Life at the edge: achieving prediction from environmental variability and biological variety. In: G. WEFER, D. BILLETT, D. HEBBELN, B.B. JØRGENSEN, TJ. VAN WEERING (eds.) Ocean Margin Systems. Springer, Berlin, 387-404.
LAMY, F., HEBBELN, D., RÖHL, U. & WEFER, G. (2001) Holocene rainfall variability in southern Chile: a marine record of latitudinal shifts of the southern Westerlies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 185(3-4): 369-382.

HEBBELN, D. & CORTÉS, J. (2001) Sedimentation in a tropical fjord: Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica. Geo-Marine Letters. 20, 142-148.

KLUMP, J., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (2001) High concentrations of biogenic barium in Pacific sediments after Termination I - A signal of changes in productivity and deep water chemistry. Marine Geology. 177, 1-11.

ROMERO, O.E., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (2001) Variability in export production in the SE Pacific Ocean during El Niño and non-El Niño conditions: evidence from diatom fluxes and surface sediment assemblages. Deep-Sea Research, 48, 2673-2697.

ANTIA, A.N., KOEVE, W., FISCHER, G., BLANZ, T., SCHULZ-BULL, D., SCHOLTEN, J., NEUER, S., KREMLING, K., KUSS, J., PEINERT, R., HEBBELN, D., BATHMANN, U., CONTE, M., FEHNER, U., ZEITZSCHEL B. (2001) Basin-wide particulate carbon flux in the Atlantic Ocean: Regional export patterns and potential for atmospheric CO2 sequestration. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15, 845-862.


HEBBELN, D., MARCHANT, M., FREUDENTHAL, T. & WEFER, G. (2000) Surface sediment distribution along the Chilean continental slope related to upwelling and productivity. Marine Geology, 164, 119-137.

HEBBELN, D. (2000) Flux of ice-rafted detritus from sea ice in the Fram Strait. Deep-Sea Research II, 47, 1773-1790.

HEBBELN, D., MARCHANT, M. & WEFER, G. (2000) Seasonal variations of the particle flux in the Peru-Chile Current under "normal" and under El Niño conditions. Deep-Sea Research II, 47, 2101-2128.

HEBBELN, D., LAMY, F., MARCHANT, M., KLUMP, J. & WEFER, G. (2000) Present and past sedimentation along the Chilean continental slope. Zeitschr. für Angewandte Geologie. SH1, 125-132.

KLUMP, J., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (2000) The impact of sediment provenance on barium-based productivity estimates. Marine Geology, 169, 259-271.

LAMY, F., KLUMP, J., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (2000) Late Quaternary rapid climate change in northern Chile. Terra Nova, 12, 8-13.


LAMY, F., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (1999) High resolution marine record of climatic change in mid-latitude Chile during the last 28 ka based on terrigenous sediment parameters. Quaternary Research, 51, 83-93.

DOWDESWELL, J.A., ELVERHØI, A., ANDREWS, J.T. & HEBBELN, D. (1999) Asynchronous deposition of ice-rafted layers in the Nordic Seas and North Atlantic Ocean. Nature, 400, 348-351.

MARCHANT, M., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (1999) High resolution planktic foraminiferal record of the last 13,000 years from the upwelling area off Chile. Marine Geology, 161, 115-128.


MANGERUD, J., DOKKEN, T., HEBBELN, D., HEGGEN, B., INGOLFSSON, O., LANDVIK, J., MEJDAHL, V., SVENDSEN, J.I. & VORREN, T. (1998) Fluctuations of the Svalbard-Barents Sea ice sheet during the last 150,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17, 11-42.

HEBBELN, D., HENRICH, R. & BAUMANN, K.-H. (1998) Paleoceanography of the last interglacial/glacial cycle in the Polar North Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17, 125-153.

LAMY, F., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (1998) Late Quaternary precessional cycles of terrigenous sediment input off the Norte Chico, Chile (27.5°S), and paleoclimatic implications. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 141, 233-251.

MARCHANT, M., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (1998) Seasonal flux patterns of planktic foraminifera in the Peru-Chile Current. Deep-Sea Research, 45, 1161-1185.

LAMY, F., HEBBELN, D. & WEFER, G. (1998) Terrigenous sediment supply along the Chilean continental slope: Modern regional trends of texture and composition. Geologische Rundschau, 87, 477-494.