
Prof. Dr. Achim Kopf


Marine Geotechnik


+49 421 218-65800


+49 421 218-65805



MARUM I / 2200

Achim Kopf

Research Interests

  • Fabric studies and quantitative texture analysis of fine grained sediments
  • Paleostress analysis and study of the mechanics of low-angle detachment faults
  • Mass balances across convergent margins
  • Studies on fluid flow, gas hydrate processes, cementation and diagenetic reactions in marine sediments and authigenic carbonates
  • Geochemical study of fluid-rock interaction in collision zones with incipient temperature and pressure, e.g. Barbados and Makran Accretionary Prisms, Mediterranean Ridge, Malaysia, Japan Trench (ODP Leg 186), Caucasus
  • Sediment stability in marine settings influenced by humans (scour, fluid mud, remobilisation dynamics)
  • Frictional properties of marine sediments and their significance for earthquake nucleation and slope stability
  • In situ characterisation of sediment physical properties for landslide and seismogenesis research
  • Long-term observatory science to monitor physical properties at active margins (including instrument design)
  • The role of ocean research drilling (e.g. IODP) in marine geosciences (e.g. coordination of the Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier initiative)