
Eingeladene Vorträge


Eingeladene Vorträge auf Fachtagungen

  • 2020: Invited presentation at the “Transform margins workshop”, Smolenice, Slovakia
  • 2019: Invited presentation at the XVII National Symposium of Tectonic Studies/XI International Symposium on Tectonics/XI South-Brazilian Symposium of Geology, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil
  • 2016: Invited presentation at the “Roberts conference” on rifted margins at RHUL
  • 2016: Invited presentation at the RIFTS III conference, Geological Society London
  • 2015: “The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary/Nature of the Tectonic Plates”, Workshop at the Geol. Soc. London, [declined because of timing problems], February 2015
  • 2013: Structure and Dynamics of the lithosphere/asthenosphere system, Workshop at college the France, Paris, November 2013, keynote, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2013: iODP Workshop on Drilling of the South China sea, Guangzhou, China, September 2013 [declined because of maternity leave], keynote, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2012: Deep-water continental margins: the final exploration frontier, Geol. Soc London, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2012: Workshop on iODP drilling of the South China sea, Shangai, China, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2011: NSF-margins workshop, keynote, M. Pérez-Gussinyé [declined due to family related issues]
  • 2011: Conjugate margin structure and evolution in the North Atlantic and other margins, organized by the South China sea institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China, November 2011, keynote, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2011: EarthScope Institute on the Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary, Portland, Keynote: Toward in-situ measurement of lithospheric rheology, keynote, A R Lowry, E Beard, L Seunarine, D L Schutt, K D Putirka, and M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2009: Defining the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary, Dublin, Ireland, organized by the European Science Foundation, “Effective Elastic Thickness, Te, of continents: relationship to other proxies for lithospheric structure and surface tectonics”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2008: Geological Society Rifts Conference, Houston, US, organized by the Geological Society of London, Soc. for Sedimentary Geol., Petroleum Group, The Houston Museum of Natural Science, Keynote: “A Tectonic Model of Faulting during Rifting and the Development of the Asymmetry of Conjugate Non-volcanic Margins”, C.R Ranero & M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2008: Ocean Drilling Consortium (ODC) meeting, Houston, US, organized by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and a consortium of oil companies Houston Texas, 2008: “Drilling of non-volcanic margins”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2006: “Investigating continental break-up and sedimentary basin formation”, Pontresina, Switzerland, organized by Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), 2006: “Crustal Thinning faulting and asymmetry development during rifting”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé & C.R. Ranero
  • 2004: “InterMARGINS workshop: Modelling the extensional deformation of the lithosphere”, Pontresina, Switzerland, organized by INTERMARGINS: “From rifting to seafloor spreading at non-volcanic margins: insights from numerical modelling”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé, J. Phipps Morgan, C.R. Ranero, & T. Reston

Eingeladene Vorträge auf internationalen Konferenzen

  • 2018: European Geophysical Union (EGU): “The role of the lower crustal strength at controlling melting and serpentinisation at magma-poor margins”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2015: European geophysical Union (EGU), 2015: “Modes of extension and serpentinisation at the West Iberia margin”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2014: American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2014: “Overriding plate thickness, trench dynamics and flat-slab subduction”, V. Manea, M. Pérez-Gussinyé, and M, Manea.
  • 2014: European Geophysical Union meeting (EGU), 2014: “Rheological controls on faulting patterns and architecture at magma-poor rifted margins”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé, S. Brune.
  • 2013: European Geophysical Union meeting (EGU), 2013: “Imaging ductile flow: what Earthscope data tells us about flow rheology of the lithosphere”, Lowry, Becker, Buehler, Miller, M. Pérez-Gussinyé, Schutt, Seunarine.
  • 2013: AGU: Meeting of the Americas, M. Pérez-Gussinyé [declined due to advanced pregnancy]
  • 2012: International Geological Congress, Brisbane, ‘Sequential faulting explains the asymmetry and extension discrepancy of conjugate margins’, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2011: European Geophysical Union meeting (EGU), 2011: “Overriding plate thickness, trench dynamics and flat-slab subduction”, V. Manea, M. Pérez-Gussinyé, and M, Manea
  • 2011: European Geophysical Union meeting (EGU), 2011: “A new tectonic model for sequential faulting and crustal thinning”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé, C. R. Ranero
  • 2010: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting (AGU), San Francisco, 2010: “Sequential faulting explains the asymmetric structure of conjugate margins and the extension paradox”, C. R. Ranero, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2008: European Geophysical Union meeting (EGU), Union Session: “New techniques for characterization of the lithospheric structure: current state and debates”, J.C. Afonso, M. Pérez-Gussinyé, Fullea, M. Fernández
  • 2007: American Geophysical Union Spring meeting (AGU), Acapulco: “The effective elastic thickness of South America and its implications for intra-continental deformation and subduction dynamics”, M. Pérez-Gussinyé, T. Lowry, T. Watts, & J. Phipps Morgan
  • 2003: American Geophysical Union Fall meeting (AGU), San Francisco: “The formation of non-volcanic rifted margins by the progressive extension of the continental lithosphere”, Reston, T.J., M. Pérez-Gussinyé, V. Gaw, & J. Phipps Morgan

Eingeladene Seminare an Universitäten und bei Unternehmen

  • 2019: Petrobras, Brasil, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2018: Petrobras, Brasil, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2016: Vorlesung am South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • 2014: Dept. Earth Sciences, Imperial College, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • April 2012: Petrobras, Brasil, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Februar 2012: University of Lisbon, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Dezember 2011: Stanford University, Dept. of Geophysics, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Dezember 2011: Utah State University, Dept. Geology, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • September 2011: Petrobras, Brasil, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • August 2011: GeoForschungs Zentrum Potsdam, Germany, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Mai 2011: Statoil-Oslo, Stavanger, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Mai 2011: Geological Survey of Norway, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Februar 2011: Dept. Earth Sciences, RHUL, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Juni 2009: Dept. Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Juni 2008: Institut Universitaire Europeen de la Mer, Brest, France, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Februar 2008: Dept. Spatial Sciences, Curtin University, Australia, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Januar 2007: Institute du Physique du Globe, IPGP, Paris, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Juni 2006: Seismology and Geodynamics Group at ETH, Zürich, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • April 2006: GEOTOP, Univ. of Quebec, Montreal, Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Dezember 2004: Southampton Oceanographic Centre, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Juli 2004: Department of Applied Mathematics, Oxford University, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Februar 2004: Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford University, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Dezember 2003: Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Pérez-Gussinyé
  • November 2003: Bullard Laboratories, University of Cambridge, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • März 2001: Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford University, M. Pérez-Gussinyé
  • Juni 1999: Southampton Oceanographic Centre, UK, M. Pérez-Gussinyé